
Why am i this way?

by  |  earlier

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this is a question I keep wondering about... Why am I so attracted to Indian, Sri Lankan, or South Asian women in general when I myself am of purely European descent.. so weird, I just don't find other European women attractive, or as attractive as South Asian women. I know there must be something wrong with me, because there is no reason why I should feel this way, I never knew many people from that part of the world, and they'd prpbably be disgusted by my pale complection anyway..

I searched for answers in my past, but I can't find the cause of this attraction, what explaination could there be?

Of course I mean, I'd like to date and get to know those women, its not some sick "ethnic fetish", I'd don't really care too much about s*x anyway... I feel like the "ideal" girlfriend to me would be South Asian for some reason.




  1. . Maybe a better Question would be is Why are you so upset about it?

    maybe when you were 2 weeks old, some India nurse gave you a big friendly hug that caught you at the right time. Who knows?

    Why do some people like the taste of peanut butter, or strawberry ice cream or the smell of a fine cigar , or a special perfume.

    Why are some people g*y or are left-handed or have large ears? Just enjoy what you have.

  2. you were an indian or south african in your previous birth.

    whether we belive or not, reincarnation is happening!

  3. Hey bud...don't worry about what your "type" is. Some guys like blondes, others like brunettes. Some people like really thin chicks, other guys are into curvy women. Some guys like t*ts, asses or legs, and there is no problem with that at all. So what's the problem with you being drawn to certain races? As long as you are not racist towards the people you are not attracted to, no big deal, I say.

    My boyfriend is Korean and I'm white. I find Asian guys good looking, and white chicks are what butters his muffin. Nobody ever gives us a second glance and honestly, I don't even see him as "Asian" or anything, he's just him, and I love him.

    I'm disturbed by your term of "sick 'ethnic fetish'" and I think that was very rude and intolerant, so maybe try to look at things a different way, and try not to make other people who are into different races feel like we are "sick." Because we're not.
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