
Why america has not a single woman prez while america become self mad woman'sright inspector?

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Why america has not a single woman prez while america become self mad woman'sright inspector?




  1. What? Would you please try asking that question again and make sense this time.

  2. Women have a harder time getting respect and trust with important positions. Also the movement has been stunted by overwhelming acceptance of sexism and women themselves being one of the main groups holding women back. You'd be amazed how many women said they didn't want a woman president when Hilary started campaigning.

  3. hi, u just answered my question, thx.

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  4. The U.S. is a relatively young country and still a work in progress.  Until 1975, a man still had the right to beat his wife and she could not press charges against him in some states.  The police would not come to help in domestic violence.  Women didn't have the right to file for divorce in some states either.  People don't realize why there was a women's rights movement here.  It was definitely a patriarchal society until women began to change things in the 60's.

    Women had to gain rights to enter many colleges and universities that were off limits to female undergrads.  Until women could get the right credentials, they couldn't get the background required to obtain positions in government that could change laws to make a difference.  My generation is the first to have women who have been able to achieve that status in any numbers.

    I'm afraid the younger women in this country do not appreciate what was done for them and take it all for granted.  They think the women's movement was for sexual freedom and abortion rights.  They have no idea their grandmothers were considered 2nd class citizens and basically owned by their husbands.

  5. When a qualified candidate comes along then that person will get elected.  I certainly won't waste my vote for a "affirmative action" placement.

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