
Why americans don't respect freedom of speech? Why americans don't permit other people express other ideas?

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One person asked: do you like americans?

I answered:

North Americans have come to regard themselves as the "chosen people" -- in practice, a synonym for the n**i term, Herrenvolk. This is the threat which we are facing today. And this is why American imperialism (not "Empire") will be even more brutal than its predecessors, most of whom never claimed to have been invested with a divine mission. Read more at:

And they deleted my answer

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what do you think?




  1. I believe you have a very twisted view of Americans in general. I know that you have forgotten all the good that we have done for people all over the world,

    By the way did you know you can appeal any removal of an answer? And did you know that as YAHOO ANSWERS is privately owned and operated they can censor anything they want? I have had several answers deleted and about half of those reinstated one of which was chosen best answer.

    Do play again.

  2. YA is not a free speech area. They can do whatever they like, and usually do. If they do not agree with your answer they can remove it. You have freedom of speech in the US but YA is owned by Yahoo and they can and do delete things they don't like. Yahoo answers: your questions answered by thousands if you have the same view point as YA. Otherwise YA will delete it! ME = working at keeping under the radar!

  3. Americans are uneducated and unable to hold debates.

  4. Name any other country that has all of the freedoms that America has!  You know you can't!  And, what you can do regarding free speech in America if done in many other countries would get you a free ride to one of their jails for the next 25 years.

    And, comparing us to the n***s!  I guess the old comment about, if you don't like America, you are free to move elsewhere.  You insult every soldier, sailor, airman, and marine who fought for and died for to preserve the very freedom of speech that you enjoy!

    Count your blessings!

  5. The GOP propagandist fear Freedom of Speech

  6. The American Constitution allows for freedom of speech.  Hope that's cleared that one up.  Oh yeah!  It also allows for a free press, elections and that sort of thing.  And apparently you are also allowed to dress as you like too, but don't blame me if people pass comments.  Another annoying aspect of free speech.

    What Americans are not going to do is listen to some unelected dictator and his supporters, why should they?  I mean, from their point of view what they're hearing is not the voice of the people, but some dictator, right?

    Sometimes I wonder where all this freedom of speech is leading.  Before long people will be publishing their own ideas and theories without so much as a by your leave.  I ask you, is this any way to carry on sir? Dammit!

    Whatever next?  Town meetings?  God help us. Has the world gone completely mad?

  7. Americans don't disrespect freedom of speech because they use their own freedom to criticize what someone else said.  If you're talking about having some tact and not saying things like the 'N' word or slamming a whole country that you know nothing about that is a whole different story.  That is about having common sense to not be a bigot.  Something I think you need to seek out.

  8. compared Americans to n***s and you think that's okay? s***w that. Every country tries to infuse its people with patriotism. America doesn't believe in ethnic cleansing, we accept immigrants from all over the world and answer calls for help from the darkest corners of the earth. There is nothing n**i-esk about that. Many of the successful countries in this world can thank America for helping them out at some point or making them richer. So I am definitely insulted by what you said.

  9. It was deleted because of the volume of reports on it. There doesn't have to be any other reason. I recently got an answer reinstated and my 10 points restored. Be polite with them, explain, don't preach, and you may have similar luck.

    Good luck.

  10. I am laughing at you.  I respect freedom of speech, I abhor censorship, and I do not think I am apart of the "chosen people".

    Do you want to make any more erroneous generalizations?

  11. You were allowed to express your ideas, why are you whining ? No one prevented you from saying exactly what was on your mind now did they?

  12. I'm sorry, but I am an American and I take my freedom of speech very seriously.  I do believe that America has it's own share of problems.  But I think that 9/11 showed how we stick together when times get rough.  There are terrorist groups out there that want to destroy what the US has spent the past  200 years in creating.  Maybe it's jealousy.  But when you insult America, you are probably insulting a country that has come to your aid at times of need.

  13. ''do you like americans'' was not posted by an American It was posted from the big museum over the pond That museum is very old and boring Y'all post this c**p all the time We yanks are getting very tired of this I believe in time when we hear that smug accent we well just take the time to prove it to you

    The above post talks of us slamming a whole country which is exacting what this child is doing

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