
Why an eclipse is more likely to damage eyes?

by Guest61384  |  earlier

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So yeah, why is it that when there is an eclipse you're told not to look at it without protection? I understand that gazing at the Sun n general isn't good in the first place, but why does the eclipse seem to magnify the damage?

Maybe it doesn't magnify the damage, but that's what I have been lead to believe over the if anyone has an answer or a good article about that I'd really appreciate it =D





  1. direct sunlight will burn your corneas weather there's an eclipse on not if you stare into the sun. they warn you during an eclipse only because everyone wants to see it and is more likely to stare at it. usually people don't look at the sun.

  2. Because during an eclipse the sun seems duller than normal, during totality for example and we feel compelled to look directly at it because its blocked and isn't bright at all. Yet what our eyes can't detect is all the radiation that we can't see still going directly into our eyes and since we can't see the visible light and there's no pain receptors in the eyes damage is caused and we don't even realise it until several hours later. (Could be serious enough to even cause blindness). So normally we wouldn't look at the sun because its too bright and painfull to look at (for a different reason, because there's too much visible light), but with not as much visible light we can suddenly look at it which causes our eyes to open up even more (from the darkness) causing the damage.

  3. The danger comes not from the eclipse, but from people thinking that something is safe when it is not.

    Looking directly at the sun will burn your retinas (the area of the eye that sense light).  If you look at the sun for even a short period of time, you could be permanently blinded.

    People think that "it's an eclipse! The sun will be dark!" but that isn't so!  And especially if it is only a partial eclipse.

    The danger occurs if you are looking at the sun when the eclipse starts to end -- when the moon moves out from in front of the sun.  That first ray of sunligth can ALSO cause you permanent blindness.

    So, it is not the eclipse that is dangerous, It is man's stupity and lack of knowledge that makes then do the things that they shouldnl;t do.

    In other words: What part of "Don't do that!" do you not understand?

  4. Staring at an eclipse of the sun will not do more damage than staring at the naked sun.  People don't stare at the sun because it is too bright but may be tempted to stare at an eclipse because it is unusual.  Although the eclipse may block most sunlight for a short time, there are still lots of photons reaching the eye especially when there is some direct sunlight at the edge.  Staring at a bright light source (even a welding arc) focuses the most light on the fovea of the eye where details are perceived and the lens focuses the light much as a lens used to burn a leaf with sunlight.  Also, the relative darkness causes the Iris of the eye to open wider letting in more light, including damaging UV light.  Using proper eye protection avoids eye damage that may show up only later.

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