
Why an indian farmer does not want his son to be a farmer?

by Guest60960  |  earlier

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please explain it too...........its supposed to be related with the difficulties in agriculture sector....thanks in advance.




  1. 1)I guess the main reason would be debts. Its a major problem for most Indian farmers. They often waste their entire life paying off huge debts and loans.

    2)Many depend on factors like climate for their harvest. If there's a bad famine or a drought, everything gets ruined and they have to go hungry for an entire season, surviving on the little scraps they manage to get.

    3)There also might be issues related to how much profit they'll make.

    In such cases, the farmers would want their sons to live a different life so they don't suffer like their fathers and lead a productive life in which they are happy and content.

    Hope this helped. You can also look up wikipedia. You might find some more information.

  2. He doesn't like his job and doesn't want his son to have to do it either?

  3. Sorry really needs more information here.

    There are many reasons a Father might not want a son to carry on the family business. These might depend on the physical, economic or social environment.


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