
Why an open relationship ?

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why an open relationship ?

So my girlfriend or my ex I don't even know what to call her anyways, she said to me that she wanted to enjoy her first years in college s.i.n.g.l.e ;(

so she can kiss as many guys as she likes in the party's and clubs :S buuut she still likes me a lot and didn't want to lose me as a friend so she wanted an open relationship and later on we will maybe get back to gather ;/ I just don't know what to do I already said yes to the open relationship but thats so complex it has to be or secret but I really want to get back in a relationship with her , what should I do ?




  1. Move on.  She wants to be able to s***w as many people as she wants and still have you waiting around for her.  Move on and find a nice girl who will commit.    

  2. Sounds like she is just using you bro as a backup in case she dosent meet someone else (and her saying "il try" is a lame excuse)

    And dont take this the wrong way but she sounds like a sl*t if she wants to kiss as many boys as she wants but still be with you (if you think about it if she really wanted a open relationship she would have started it with you way before she went to college not just before she went to college)

    Move on bro you deserve a women better then a selfish cow

  3. tell her this  

  4. You choose to accept the open relationship knowing she'll be seeing other guys, as well as you...or you end it for good, or you tell her when she's done sowing her wild oats to let you know and if you're still single, you two might be able to try again.

    She's smart to want to not settle down so experience variety...but it's not fair to keep you strung along unless that's what you choose to do (be there when she wants to see you, and hope she doesn't fall for some other guy while she's having her variety).

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