
Why and what causes people to hiccup?

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Why do people hiccup....and how can you get rid of them?




  1. A hiccup is due to unintentional contraction of the diaphragm. When this happens the vocal cords close very briefly producing the sound. A similar process occurs when somebody sobs..

    Some of the causes are spicy food, heavy meal, carbonated beverages, swallowing air, sudden temperature changes, hot and  cold liquids taken in succession, a shower taken with hot and cold water alternating, tobacco,excitement and emotional stress. There can be other causes.

    If a hiccup continues for more than 48 hours you should contact a doctor.

    Usually the commonly occurring hiccups pass off after a short time.

    Prolonged hiccups can be due to some diseases .

    Useful home remedies are

    1. Swallow a tea spoon of sugar

    2. Breath temporarily into a bag ( a paper bag )    for about a minute

    3. Drink a glass of water

    5. Hold the breath and count up to 10 slowly

    6. Get someone to startle you

    Hiccups that cannot be controlled should be treated by a doctor.

    I am a medical doctor.

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