
Why and what does bad hand writing mean?

by Guest32106  |  earlier

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I don't mean bad punctuation (spaces, commas etc), I mean the actual way the letters are written.

My hand writing has been god awful since as long as I can remember, my teachers were never cruel enough to not take my work but for some I would have to type up my essays etc on the computer (As I could write them faster, with less mistakes and in a readable manner).

My English teacher in my last two years of secondary school was quite concerned by my terrible hand writing, she asked if I just wrote the letters too quickly (Slowing down has a slight improvement, but the letters still look god awful). I believe she thought there was something wrong with me (Like a learning disability, although I don't have one).

So what id like to know is....Even though I take myself as a smart and competent individual, is there an easy answer as to why my hand writing is terrible, or an easy way to improve it?

(On a side note, I remember not 'getting' joint hand writing.....that one where all the letters connect with pretty lines... If that means anything).




  1. Hi there, don't you have to worry about it.  A have met a lot of doctors

    that have the same problem as yours. and nobody complain

  2. A long time ago when I first started working, as a secretary, I noticed that Europeans, unlike North Americans, were not taught "penmanship" and consequently their handwriting was very idiosyncratic. I made a reputation for myself by being able to decipher almost anything. And I noticed that the more brilliant the writer (in my opinion), the more execrable the penmanship. I decided that perhaps they found it difficult to write quickly enough to keep up with their thought processes. (I offer this as consolation.)

    I think that these days very little emphasis is placed on how one's handwriting looks; it just needs to be legible. But by the same token, learning to write script in a certain way probably served a useful purpose. The letters were formed so that they could be joined most efficiently, improving writing speed ... and also improving recognition.

    It might be very difficult for you to improve your handwriting at this stage. It sounds as if you more-or-less missed the transition from printing to script, and short of finding a grade-school penmanship workbook and practising, and unlearning your well-rooted habits .... Otherwise, just hold on ... handwriting might go the way of the dodo bird.

  3. In my experience, your handwriting will far far better if you have a happy, peaceful , worry less, jovial mind. The state of mind has tremendous effect on the way your hand writes. I have found that my writing in the morning, after I get up after a night's rest, is much better than my writing in the evening hours. So, please have a relaxed mind and see the improvement.


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