
Why and when was the name changed from Peking to Bejing?

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Why and when was the name changed from Peking to Bejing?




  1. Pinyin transliteration was introduced in 1949, but not enforced until the 1980s.

  2. It hasn't.  Only the transliteration in English has.

  3. I thought Peking was an English mispronounciation of the (phonetically) correct Bejing.

    Bejing, it turns out is a more modern  (Mandarin) pronounciation of the same name Peking( from about 400 years ago- of course these are English Transliterations

    But, it is the same Name with the Same meaning Northern Capitol.  Bejing has had many other names over the years (especially those years when it wasn't the capitol)

  4. in 1949, when the Communist Party of China restored Beijing as China's capital after the founding of the People's Republic of China.  It had already been changed from Peking to Bejing once before, as well as having been changed several other times in its history.  The capital has had a number of names, but it appears that the present name will be permanent, but who knows?

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