
Why and where is there Global warming? How did it start? When did it start?

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Why and where is there Global warming? How did it start? When did it start?




  1. Contrary to popular belief there are plenty of climate scientist who question wether the current warming trend is man made or a natural cycle in the environment.  The during first Earth Day in 1970 there was a cry that man was causing global cooling. At that time everybody thought the scientific community was in agreement but they were not then and they are not now. Search the internet you will get papers on both sides of the issue. Dont just believe what everybody is telling you about the issue.

    And Carbon Monoxide is not the issue it's Carbon Dioxide. in the last 100 years the CO2 levels have increased by about 100 parts per million. a very small increase I for one am skeptical of the crys of an evironmental crisis.

  2. This graph will answer a lot of your questions:

    Some gases ("greenhouse gases") let sunlight in, which warms the Earth, and then block that heat from leaving. That's the "greenhouse effect", and it's a natural thing, mostly caused by water vapor.

    Man is making excessive amounts of greenhouse gases, mostly by burning fossil fuels. That causes the delicate natural balance to go out of whack and the Earth warms. That's global warming.

    It won't be a Hollywood style disaster. Gradually coastal areas will flood and agriculture will be damaged. But it will be very bad. Rich countries will cope, but it will take huge amounts of money. In poor countries many people will die of starvation, but not all of them.

    Most scientists say, in 20-50 years. But we need to start right now to fix it, fixing it will take even longer than that.

    More information here:

  3. Truth be told, global warming and global cooling is something the earth has goon through from the very beginning.

    However this particular time around, we have helped to warm the earth more than ever before. The reason being is that we are very good at polluting. When most organic substances or fossil fuels are burned, carbon dioxide is realeased into the atmousphere and this is were the greenhouse effect comes into play.

    The greenhouse effect is happening on a global scale and the more fossil fuels we burn the thicker the layer gets and the more heat the atmosphere retains.

    When did it start?  The beginning of time

    When did we accelerate it? Probably around the industrial revolution.

  4. Why: Consuming fossile fuels

    Where: All over the world

    How: Human ignorance

    When: the first internal combustion engine belched out carbon monoxide

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