
Why announce in the middle of a hurricane that Bristol Palin is Pregnant?

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Wow what a smoke screen! Good job Sarah, how did this get past the vetting process.




  1. I know because doesn't that debunk her abstinence only s*x education theory? I don't care whether Sarah Palin supports birth control or not, if Bristol had common sense, she should have used birth control.  

  2. Ya they started the hurricane to announce that!

  3. Because Bristol isn't pregnant.  She had a baby with Down's syndrome 5 months ago, and this is a ruse.  

    Totally not news, or the "real issues" we should concentrate on, but let the election year soap opera begin!

  4. Getting married with 17!

    Wow! Sarah Palin has family traditions like the fundamentalists in Saudi Arabia.  

  5. Just in case she and her unborn child get blown away in the storm.  

  6. She's marrying her boyfriend.  Disappointed she didn't see a baby as a punishment like Obama does.

  7. It doesn't really matter so stop hurting Palin's children because you don't like her.  

  8. I really do not see how this impacts the newly nominated VP


  9. Yeah, pregnancies should always be announced during partly cloudy/partly sunny weather.  Everybody knows that.  It is a matter of etiquette.

  10. because idiots on this forum and on hatesites like dailykos have been relentless in their lies that Sarah's baby isn't her own.  

  11. wow I missed that one!! i heard that the baby she has is really the 17 year old.  she disappeared form school for months her class mates say and Sarah's co workers say they never saw her pregnant!!

  12. Why does the hurricane determine when is a good or bad time to announce a pregnancy?

  13. It is because they get more viewers for saying that someone is pregnant rather than actual news

  14. hoping against hope that everyone will concentrate on the hurricane and this would fade into the ether.

    Ooops I guess it did not work out that way.

    This is just the tip of the iceberg for her family being scrutinized now that she is on the national scene.

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