
Why another period? I just had one!?

by Guest61473  |  earlier

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22, healthy weight, and overall healthy.

This month's period began on the 2nd, ended around the 6th. Now I've got what appears to be another peiod - which started on the 13th and is still going. It started off as mostly dried blood, but now has progressed to newer.

Any ideas as to whats going on?

I've never had two periods this close together.




  1. Dont worry, i had a problem like this a few months back but it lasted on and off for 3 months. It can be down to alot of stress or a sudden change in diet. Whatever you think it may be, try not to worry about it too much. If it does last for a while or gets heavy, see your doctor as they can prescribe medicine that can help to ease them off.

  2. mine does that all the time. you're starting to have irregular periods. i went to the doctor and they gave me birth control. it works too! but if you dont wanna go that route then just check and see wat else the doctor can do about it. but dont worry though, its normal.

  3. Why? I have no idea

    but it happened to me a couple of times before - seems like it's normal coz it happens sometimes.

  4. im not sure why .. but i had the same thing a few months ago .

    the doctor said it was fine

  5. I'mm not really sure y but my periods come once at the begging of the month andanotherr at the end i asked the doctor and he said every thing was fine but he put me on birth control toregulatee my periods  

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