
Why answer if you hate the show ?

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Why of why do all the people that slate shows such a BB answer so many questions to do with it ?

I really cannot understand this as I only bother with the sections that interest me ,am I alone on this ?




  1. just for fun i guess :)

  2. SO let me get this straight,you dont have an opinion??? you just agree with everything then???? and by the way your question is in violation of the yahoo guidelines classed as chat and rant,do you agree?

    you ask a question, people answer, now whether its the feel good answer you desperatley seek youre on the wrong site,people can answer question with there own views,and my view is that its the biggest load of tosh on our screens at the moment,and some big brother fans on RTV,have also stated that its getting boring and repetetive. STOP bleating about it and grow up????????


    edit: AND the t/down doesnt phase me in the slightest,not just one,im more used to about 20,and no,the points dont interest me neither,if people are that intent on whining about stuff like this,maybe they should do a bit of research,and fish out and complain about the BLATANT point scorers,whom may i add have nearly all got top contributer badges,by point scoring and picking there alter-ego as b/a....or are we too gutless to mention that?????????

    opinions welcome,bring it on?

    or have we suddenly gone mute ,so we dont upset anyone.

    THINK ABOUT IT...and thats to all of you not just the questioner?


  3. it annoys me aswell

    if they really dont like it then why waste thier time on the reality tv section?

    and they say people who like bb are brainless.  

  4. Because they want to express their opinions.

  5. No you are correct but some people obviously are desperate for the two points. I agree though nobody forces them to answer the questions or watch the programme.

    Why bother commenting at all if they do not watch it.

  6. I know the feeling. I don't mind people saying their opinion on it, but don't answer loads of BB questions with the same c**p.  

  7. its not that they seek to find those questions, so they can reply to them, its jsut that there are so many questions about them being asked.

    Examples include Miley Cyrus, the Jonas brothers and any other tripe from the disney channel.

  8. Because it's our 1st amendment right to say that Big Brother sucks more c**k than Ana Nicole Smith and Liberace combined.  

  9. This annoys me too!!!!

  10. no, it bugs me too

  11. The mind boggles when it comes to such people.

    They are cyber

  12. No I agree with you

    It gets on my nerves too


  13. It makes them feel Superior, its funny how they always tell you that they lead such an interesting life and don't have time to watch BB, and yet they have time to answer questions on a show they hate.

  14. i love big brother alot  us  

  15. No, the people that answer do it for the points and just to annoy us!!

  16. Because it's worth it just for the points.

  17. Exactly what I always say !

    It really PXSSES me off, I mean you ask a question about BB,, and you get 'Oh why do you wanna watch that rubbish, who cares?' Y'knoww, omg what's the point ?

    I totally agree with youu ,, and + why would they wanna be in the Reality Tv section anyway if they hate it .. GGR!!


  18. I think you are, yes. People do it because they like to wind you up, and it looks like its working,

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