
Why answer supporting men get lots of thumbs down?

by Guest33609  |  earlier

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I am observing since long time. If the answer is in advantage of men vs women it gets lots of thumbs down and vise versa.

Let me know which of the following, you think, is correct explanation for this phenomenon

a. Most of users here are women and they tend to support feminist views

b. There are significant male users but they do not make efforts to click few more buttons for thumbs up/down




  1. I agree with Laela and Dannuele and the Colonel of course.

    It makes for a more complex situation, but it explains why men cop it and feminists cop it a bit less so.

  2. I know what you mean,I get lost of thumbs down especially when I answer in this catergory. Once I said that it is fair that since women treat men as slaves that it was fair for men to treat women as slaves and guess what? the thumbs down were raining.

    the reason for that is femenists,though they talk about equality,they don't like when men treat women like women treat men.

  3. I don't think any of your suppositions are correct.  First, I don't think you can honestly say that anti-feminists comments get more thumbs down.  The only way to do this is to compile all the votes on every question every asked (or atleast a decent random sample), and I am guessing you haven't done this.  If you had, I think you would find they really don't get more thumbs down.

    I would guess alot of people when voting seem to vote based on emotions.  So whichever side you are on determines your vote.  I admit I have given the thumbs down to anti-feminist comments, but only if they contain massively incorrect information (concerning statistics, etc).

  4. On many questions, it seems like either the feminist supporting answers get thumbs up or the anti-feminist supporting answers get thumbs up.  I'm guessing fems and antis are drawn to different types of questions at times.

  5. I'm the same as Laela I am a woman but I don't support feminism.

  6. I've actually noticed far more thumbs down on answers that support feminism and women  (just watch and see how many this answer gets) than on pro-men answers.

    But then, I think it depends on the question. A *lot* of the questions in GWS--on both sides--boil down to "here is my opinion! Don't you agree with it?" which leads to people who disagree with the idea thumbs-downing the answers that support it.

  7. I asked a question almost identical to this about a week or so ago. (OK - make that two weeks ago)

    I think there is a thumbs-down n**i who just wants you to guess why your perfectly good answer got a thumbs down. It's happening to the guys too, though.

    I'm not a feminist, but an equalist who just wants to say my gobble-goop. :P

    My point has been made by the thumb down already. No sense of humor. :(

  8. I know what you mean, when I answer questions that favor what's best for children over the wants of their parents I get tons of thumbs down!

  9. i actully never bother to click those thumbs they slow my computer down

  10. I would have to say A) there is more females here that tend to support female supremacy.

    Could explain why questions critical of feminist's are quickly deleted.

    But I have gotten so used to it.... Almost feel as if I messed up if I don't get at least two thumbs down.

  11. You guessed wrong I'm a woman who does not support feminism. About that thumbs down thing I get them probably more than anyone.  Your theory is out the window.

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