
Why ant WestWood (The D.J.) done any C.D's?

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Why ant West Wood (The D.J.) done any C.D's they were the only Hip Hop/R&B mix C.D. out (With Hip Hop music as well as R&B music) ?




  1. westwood the big dawg was a top album

  2. all u guys r haters. hes the ****. does stuff with 50 cent, eminem (and proof), jay-z. a lot more. so stop hating when all ur fav.artists **** with him

  3. prob because he is getting a bit old.

    there are a few out but they are all old.

    good luck : )

  4. westwood is a t*t hands down but his albums were wicked i liked all the 1 and a half minute remixes he done at the beginning and the rest of the songs were tunes


    he hasnt made any new albums and it doesnt look like he will do a comeback for a whille he should do, i was just saying he was a t*t and his albums were classics

  5. WestWood is just a wannbe radio DJ who acts like a black-gangster for some reason. I haven't seen any albums from him for about 5 years lol

    Edit: And for your 'hip hop' question, the genre is pretty much dead, and died years ago. What you don't understand it how mainstream music is these days. People now confuse hip hop with r'n'b.

  6. i don't even know who that is lol but i love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx... i know you said no stupid answers but lol

  7. Wasnt he 50 this year?

    I`m surprised the old duffer knows what a CD is.

    The clothers are OK thugh

  8. because the Chav music is getting old and nobody wants to listen to Chavs.

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