
Why arabian people cant go out and have a good job in europe countries ??

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Why arabian people cant go out and have a good job in europe countries ??




  1. marhaba,

    actually arabian people (and others) can if they are qualified. Trouble is, you need to have a qualification that no one else has, only then you'll find an employer who will hire you. Labour and immigration laws are really tough, not only for arabs. If you're in IT or science, your chances aren't so bad. Check with the consulates of the countries you are interested in, they have more information.

  2. Untrue! they can.

  3. Well, it's a combination of many factors. So racism certainly plays a part in it. And the assumption is Arab = Muslim, even though this isn't necessarily the case. Irrational fears of Islamic terrorism have created a very hostile environment. And there are many bigots out there.

    Having said that, it is not always completely the fault of German/Western employers. Many Arab immigrants need to understand that the workplace in Germany/Europe is socially diverse. That means some co-workers will be unmarried female, some will be homosexual, and some will be Jews. The 'holier-than-thou' moral arrogance many Muslim Arabs have needs to go. In everyday interaction, this is not helpful to anyone and increases mistrust.

    Education is important. But of course, the term is highly subjective, and in my experience, presenting the appearance of "educational spirit" will impress Europeans as much as repetition of books. So we're not simply talking mathematical skills and literacy alone. In truth, many Arabs do excel in that kind of learning (and there's fustration as to why that doesn't necessarily translate into more jobs). But the reality is getting a job involves aligning yourself with the culture specific attitudes, skills, and aura of open-minded curiousity they're looking for as much as possessing basic knowledge.

  4. 1. Islam-phobia (it's not exactly discrimination but more like fear of different culture, behavior and at last of course Europeans are afraid of terrorism too.( I now it's not fear is life people can't forget many things.)

    2.Many Arabian immigrants don't have right education



    I know there are companies and places where everything is up to you and your education but if you're asking about all Europe or even all Germany than I must say there are important all of these factors.

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