
Why are 18 wheelers restricted to the right two lanes on some interstate roads?

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Why are 18 wheelers restricted to the right two lanes on some interstate roads?




  1. Because when your are loaded really heavy trucks sometimes slow down......years ago, now the new engines have so much power they dont even slow down.

  2. The only time you find trucks restricted to the Right lane (on a two lane road) is when going through a city or populated area on and interstate that has alot of on/off ramps. They keep trucks out of the left lane to allow the cars to cruise right through.   In some construction areas,trucks are restricted to the left lane because trucks have better visibility out the left side of the truck than on the right side,this way they can run at highway speeds within inches of the wall,this allows the right lane for cars to cruise on through.   And the golden rule for truckers: if there are 3 lanes on the road,you better not get caught in the left one.  The right lane is for slow trucks climbing hills,the center lane is for the big trucks that can run the hills loaded at the posted speed limit,.......the left lane is for cars. But keep in mind that there are trucks out there that can run the steepest hills in the country,fully loaded at well into the tripple digits. Some people think that ALL trucks are slow,when in fact some can run 135 mph. plus, even when loaded.

      I hope this helped you to understand the rules regarding trucks.  This was a great question. I wish more people asked questions like this so they can have a better understanding as to why other drivers do the things they do.

      Another thing to keep in mind is that a fully loaded truck doing 65 mph needs 300 yards ( 3 football fields) to make a complete stop safely,....keep this in mind before pulling in front of a truck,or cutting them off in traffic.

        The last thing a truck driver wants to do is hit/run over/ or kill someone because they pulled out in front of them.

        I'll stop now,...but again  GREAT Question.

  3. If it's a 3 lane hwy, then yes. Trucks are not allowed in the far left lane period. If it's a 2 lane hwy, trucks can pass on the left, but they would have to get right back into the right lane immediately. Now bear in mind to keep an eye out for this sign: "trucks end lane restriction". When you see that sign, they can use all lanes b/c it usually means some exits will be left.

  4. Because they drive slower than cars and small trucks, especially when going up/down grades.

  5. Because they can't keep up when loaded going up a hill,and like I yell to myself almost everyday...the left lane is made to PASS! if you're being passed on the right your wrong..

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