
Why are 'foreigners' in England so racist?

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Not sure if they're even foreigners because they think they are English. Why do they think they have more rights than English? Is it English people's karma for being racist in England and other countries eg. Africa?

Do they get away with it because English fear being called racist or being arrested?




  1. i think you are scared of something...either you are racist or you are not even English or just know nothing about what you are asking

  2. Get. A. Clue.  

  3. There are some foreigners and SOME English people who are racist, but i think your question is even more racist.

    Your question makes out as if all foreigners in england are racist.

    Although the fact of the matter is, we are all foreigners, as this only became Great Britain when France decided the gap between France and what is now known as the UK was too large so this became reject land or UK, which ever, you choose.

  4. Ahhhh you're skating on thin ice a little here with this question....

    but I think you are right in that people who come to this country should work hard to get jobs and not be handed everything by the government.  If we were to move to America we wouldn't get state handouts.

    Not so sure they are racist... just lucky they chose our country where everything is handed to them on a plate


  5. I am black, allot of minorities are racist to white people.. They hate white people for something they had nothing to do with.. The thing is  allot of white people are scared to confront ethnic minorities, cause they don't want to be called racist..

    Allot of black people think only white people can be racist which is ignorant and stupid...

    Its double standards because if the majority hated the minority its worst than minorities hating majorities..

    I get alot of my white friends scared to even call me 'black' lol.. But I can see why...

    ethnic minorities are very sensitive, and use the race card alot, its a shame cause if an asian man is experiencing real racism, people may not believe him cause the race card is being overly used..

    I love talking about race with any race, I simply believe in equality for all races..


    Why the h**l do people ask these only gives an outlet to the small minded, uneducated, BNP loving idiots in this country.

    I wish everyone would spend a little time looking into the laws and conditions of the UK's immigration system; then you might understand a little about how it all works.

    Can you not see how easy it is to tarnish everyone with the same mucky brush stroke. Yes there are a few foreigners out there who do not work, are lazy and generally out for what they can get. But have you seen anyone on the news APART FROM THE BRITISH AND KERRY KATONA'S MUM in court for benefit fraud etc!!

    The media feeds your all bull and you swallow it because it is the easiest thing to do.

    And how about all the Brits living abroad. The UK has the larges emigration rate in the world...and this started way before the EU let in the more eastern some research into how Brits bugger up other economies, benefit systems and the rest.

    I'm British and proud of it - but I also have a brain and understand that blaming others isn't the key to understaning why we're in such a terrible mess. The British "blame others never ourselves" mentality is what's gotten us into trouble.

    How about we step up and look at ourselves for once and try and resolve the scroungers, benefit cheats and criminals that we've home-grown before picking on foreigners...who only account for a small percentage of what's wrong with our nation.                                      

  7. many certainly are racist

    but they can't see that

    some minorities seem to think that only white people can be racist

    the fact that they don't like other groups because of their race or religion doesn't make THEM racist

    it has become the first thing that some people learn to say when they arrive in the country or even start school - if things don't go their way it isn't their fault it is that other people are racist

    i've heard of children younger than seven accusing other children of being racist just because they didn't want to play with them

    the fear of being called racist has taken away the right to dislike people - it must be because of their race not that they are just plain not nice people

    and it seems you are racist if you are white and do not employ someone

    yet how many white women do you see working in balti houses or pakistani taxi companies? does that make them racist?

  8. For a minute I though you were on about the Scots!!!  

    They have a chip on their shoulders because of the Empire all those years ago.

  9. I think we are all racist at heart about one thing or the other but the trouble is people have forgotten the old saying when in Rome do as the romans do.unfortunately they come here and forget that they are in a foreignn country that has rules and when they don't  suit they try and change them.

  10. I still call a spade a spade, and to h**l with the consequences. But that doesn't make me a racist, and I refuse to be labelled a such. Actually, I don't care what I am labelled as!

  11. the English give me a hard time cos Im a foreigner

    and to the foreigners give me a hard time because I am English

    You dont make sense I aint a foreigner and I dont see what your talking about

  12. I think the real issue here is that the English are expected to be accept all, regardless. In the UK you can be any nationality at all, except English! Scots, Welsh, Irish can claim their nationality but the English are only allowed to be British!

  13. You speak the truth! they come over here expecting US, yes US to follow their rules, yet when we go over to their country, we have to follow their rules and if anyone does anything about it they are called racist.  

  14. what in the world!!!! lmao

  15. Because they want to take your land and take advantage of our overwelmingly tight liberal parties that defend their rights. They want to rule over the citizens and they believe they have the right to, because they band together and defy nationalism. They take advantage of racism policies against themselves and turn them towards the English, and get away with it because the government is led by pro-immigrant/ Holocaust suck-up/imperial colonization appolizers.

  16. our government has given Johnny Foreigner the right to be racist towards us, and has taken away our right to be racist to them!

  17. i stab them

  18. You certainly need to 'lighten up' a lot.

                                          Please, first allow me to have a few words ref' one of your answers.  

                                           I am a Scot, not any sort of racist , true I have an intense dislike of the English because of past history, and not so long past history.  Nothing at all to do with colour or creed.

                                            OK that's out of the way.

    We in Scotland are not all of the same mind for example here is a little tale, are you sitting comfortably? I will begin.

                                               I was born in Glasgow, war years , Dad was in the army Black Watch major posted to India, the family joined him, We came back to UK eventually and for some reason ended up living in Yorkshire, I think our place had been bombed out in Glasgow.

                                             Right, I gradually lost my Scots accent and developed an English accent of a sort.

                                               I was still very proud of my heritage and the fact that I was a Scot.

                                                I still visited Scotland often, and eventually became a qualified engineer, worked all over the world, then an offer came up for a contract in Scotland, I jumped at it, start in Aberdeen, and work all over Scotland from there.

                                                  I like a few drinks in the evenings and soon found a suitable drinking place in Aberdeen, I'll never forget the first night.

                                                 I walked into the bar "Pint of bitter please" I said!  "Pint of bitter please" a voice was trying to mimic an upper class English accent, a Scot from Aberdeen, a local.

                                                    He had me figured as an Englishman, now that was like a red rag to a bull, I was fuming, I was going to fill this feller in if it was the last thing I ever did.

                                                       I turned around to face him I gave him a mouthffull of abuse along with "I am not English I am a Scot, I am from Glasgow."

                                                       This stopped him in his tracks for a wee while, but he bounced back and said "Glasgow? Fckng h**l thats almost as bad as being English"!!

                                                          I was dumfounded , I just stared at him, I eventually burst out laughing, we ended up good pals.

                                                            There must be a moral to this story?

                                                              My moral   is 'Be proud of your heritage, where ever you are from'  (unless its England of course)!!,  

    Good luck with that little problem.

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