
Why are't we doing anything fast enough for the plants and taking care of the global warming???

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Yes, but why aren't we proceding to the next level of making all cities like New Delhi. Can you believe Delhi is amongst the greenest capital in the world. If India can do it with a lot of population under control why not other countries. I don't get it. We are chocking our selves day by day.




  1. my plants are doing wonderful now that its gotten a little bit warmer outside finally!!

  2. It is important to remember that global warming is just a theory but nice to be sure just incase right. Well heres my idea if evryone planted a large tree in there garden for every car they own then all the carbon dioxide will be taken thats car emmisions saughted. now cows emit more emitions than cars so we need to stop mass farming them, so we give up beef thats almost a 50% world carbon foot print gone. Replace coal and oil power plants with wind turbines, nucleur power stations, solar power, geo thermal energy and wave energy. Thats almost all the earths emmisions gone. Now the latter part of my solution would cost a fortune that is why the goverments doing nothing and also they are making bundles from taxing oil. As for the trees people either don't have a garden or can't be botherd. As for killing all the cows i think people will not give up beef.

  3. Why aren't the High Priests of 'Man-did-it' global warming doing anything to "take care of (alleged) global warming"??

    When it comes to carbon emissions, Al Gore and his liberal friends, well, they have a dirty little secret.

    Private planes, take for instance your typical commercial jet, a Boeing 737, well, it seats a maximum of 189 people, it burns 800 gallons of fuel per hour and emits 16,880 pounds of carbon dioxide per hour in the air. Now take a Gulfstream 400, one of the more common brands of private jet. Well, it seats a maximum of only 19 people, it burns 415 gallons of fuel an hour and emits 8,785 pounds of carbon dioxide per hour. That means per passenger a Boeing 737 emits 89 pounds of carbon dioxide an hour while Gulfstream and similar private jets emit 462 pounds of carbon dioxide per passenger per hour.

    In short, flying in a private jet does more than four times the carbon emission damage to the environment than flying a regular commercial jet. So if you were worried about your quote-unquote "carbon footprint" on the environment, and if you are concerned about carbon neutrality, the last thing that you should be doing is flying on private jets. Sit in coach, you might save a polar bear.

    But that doesn't seem to stop the environmental elites. The Reuters news agency reports that Europe's largest private jet operator recently came under fire from environmentalists about the 50 flights that he booked for clients to Davos, Switzerland for the World Economic Forum. Yes, that's the same forum where the, quote, "global climate change" was on the top of the agenda.

    This sort of hypocrisy among environmental elites is not uncommon. The same crowd that once landed the nickname "limousine liberals," well, should be considered "Gulfstream liberals." They are those who lecture us about the dangers posed by climate change and then fly awfully close to the sun in their beautiful luxurious private jets.

    During a 2003 interview on "Hannity & Colmes," for example, I confronted activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. about this double standard.

    (on camera): Do you use a private jet?

    ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR., ACTIVIST: You know what? I am not going to dignify that question because it is not...

    HANNITY: Because you do. And that's the point. You are going to lecture us about a car and you are traveling around the world in a private jet. And I find that hypocritical. Hypocrisy is an issue.

    KENNEDY: Well, first of all, I don't travel around the world in a private jet. Have I ever been in a private jet? Yes, I have been in a private jet.

    HANNITY: When was the last time?

    KENNEDY: I can't tell you, I can't remember when I -- the last time I was.

    HANNITY (voice-over): It wasn't until a later commercial break that I learned that Kennedy was leaving our New York studio that night to board, you guessed it, a private plane.

  4. Plants love two things Co2 and Nitrogen and the world’s current climate is very good for all plants. What is the problem, lower gas and electric bills, fewer blankets and bedding, my bank account is growing because my spending for incidentals is way down. If the pro AGW people would just shut up and start boycotting Exxon/Mobil and Standard/Chevron like smart people do these high oil prices would rapidly drop.

    But then all the AGW promoters live in high impact housing and use high impact transportation like their prophet!

  5. 2 things plants love:

    1. Warm temps

    2. High levels of CO2.

    We could all drive suv's. PLants would love that, but I would not as gas prices would increase with the increase in demand.

  6. Just keep emitting CO2.  That's what plants love the most.

    Caring for plants and trees is good and productive for the planet.

    Falling for hoaxes like man-made global warming is not good and very counter-productive.

    Your choice.

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