
Why are 9/11 rescue workers still sick and uncared for?

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NEW YORK, New York, September 4, 2008 (ENS) - Nearly seven years after the terrorist attacks that demolished the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, many people exposed to the dust, smoke and chemical fumes released into the environment by the airplane strikes on the twin towers continue to experience illnesses.

Rescue and recovery workers, residents of Lower Manhattan, and area workers are still suffering physical and mental health problems related to 9/11 exposure, according to the first report of the WTC Medical Working Group, released today by Mayor Michael Bloomberg.




  1. From start to finish of the 4 planes used by these cave dwellers we're told hijacked the planes at least 2 houirs went by since the first reported itself hijacked. The Pentagon is supposedly the most guarded building in the world, yet some 2 hours after it all began the republican Prez and VP still had no defense to offer. Some say that's a lot more than strange. Some say that's truly criminal.

    Republicans say only they can save and protect us, but they couldn't protect us from 19 terrorists who were allowed to run roughshod for hours in our own country! What is wrong with the way voters think?

  2. Bush was looking to find a reason (actually oil) to get into Irak and spent the money for that instead of at home for deserving Citizens.

  3. It's a shame, truely a shame, too bad Rudy could not still be mayor of NYC, he genuinely cared for those heros of 9/11

  4. What bills has Obama proposed in his tenure to address this... none.

    He's all talk.

  5. i can only imagine they are sick because they inhaled large amounts of smoke and dust. if they are uncared for i imagine they are too lazy to get off their butts and get the help that has been offered.

    i suppose this is all America's fault and not the fault of the terrorist, right?

  6. It's disgraceful! Bush made sure the Bin-Laden family was evacuated after 9/11 but could not even take care of the true heroes, the first responders who risked their lives to get other people to safety.

  7. I understand what you are saying I think. I would like to know as well.

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