
Why are A Levels so easy?

by  |  earlier

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Record results again this year as the national pass rate soared above 97% for the first time. My friend got 4 straight A's and he just laughed it off, saying 'Anyone can pass. It's so easy.'




  1. I suspect the pass rate is so high because young people are able to choose courses that suite their interests and abilities. Added to which the threshold for passing is fairly low, and there are usually enough opportunities to get a few marks, so most people will pass. That doesn't mean they'll get a brilliant grade though.

    There are many more A levels than there used to be, and some of them are 'easier' than others. If we take Media Studies and Maths for example, both can be interesting and worthwhile courses, but nobody is going to pretend the former is anywhere near as hard as the latter. If a person simply needs X amount of points to get into Uni, or just wants a few A levels as a back up, they won't take the hardest courses (note the low uptake of maths and physics for example), they'll take ones that they find interesting and are likely to get a ok grade in. People will take the hardest courses only if they really want or need them.

    With the large range of A levels available people are likely to choose the ones that they happen to be interested and have talent in. Nobody's going to choose a course they know they'll fail.  

  2. because your smart??

    nt everyone finds them easy u know

  3. it's not easy, maybe you should try taking some

  4. His dad whips him if he doesn't study for at least 3 hours a night

  5. I can assure you that A levels are not easy. A's are only achieved by hard work and studying throughout the course. If you have studied hard your exam will be easy. As they say no pain no gain. In 32 years teaching I have never known an A class student who has not studied hard and applied themselves to the subject.

  6. Some say the exam difficulty has been largely relaxed to make it easier than it used to be.

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