
Why are AFL players diving & feigning injury to get opposing players reported?

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Is it now part of AFL culture.......or is it just plain & simply bad sportsmanship?

I have seen more & more of it creeping into the game; Kangaroos Pratt; Geelong's Ablett; Western Bulldogs West & the most recent (& worst I've ever seen!) Shane Wakelin of Collingwood (Just to name a few). These players have dived & feigned injury & as a result their opponents have been reported & dealt with by the tribunal.

If ever I had resorted to doing something like that on the footy field I would have given the gamer away - as I would have been so embarrassed.




  1. mate, it happens at JUNIOR LEVEL!

    and this was happening before we started to notice more and more players in the AFL diving.

    its cheap, weak and a bad way to play a great game. Yet I have only ever paid a free kick for a dive once (i reliesed my mistake as soon as I gave the free kick)


  2. I think it's a shame that it has become part of the culture for certain individuals. With Dale Thomas coming out this week stating that Wakelin was deliberately going for a free kick.

    Where does this leave Hall who has been stood down and handed a penalty by the tribunal as a consequence of another player taking a dive? I know the penalty was for 'attempting to strike', but if the dive wasn't there is it possible that Hall would be still in this week?

    With the AFL doing so much to protect the runner and speeding up the game, wouldn't it be better for the game if they could also protect the forwards by reducing the number of frivolous penalties that are handed out in the forward 50?

    Maybe someone needs to point out to the members of the tribunal that this is happening and they could start handing out some points to the divers. Why should they be protected and be allowed to come out to the media and say I was just going for a penalty without being punished?

  3. Why are they doing it?.....Because they are allowed to get away with it by weak umpiring & weak AFL administration.

  4. The video review tribunal is partly to blame, allowing players to fake dives that look legitimate on video.

  5. The AFL is to blame, they've turn it into a p*ssy sport. Players can't do hip&shoulders or even any kind of push me shove you anymore. Every little thing is put under the microscope and it sucks.

    It's turned into soccer where everybody acts to get a free kick.


  6. i dont know why but its stupid!

  7. Because it's a c**p game like soccer - for all the nancy boys who can't play League or Union!!!

    Those who take a dive should be publicly SHAMED!!!

  8. Its partly the fact that its sometimes less risky to spoil than it is to play, or pretend to play the ball, but I get tired of players dropping their head to get a high tackle awarded, or that back into their opponents to get a hand in the back.

    Nope.  They need to be penalised and harshly or it will get out of hand.  And if they do that hands up in the air "it wasn't me ref" look that the Swans have got down pat, then they should get double from the tribunal.  Its bringing the game into disrespect, I think.

  9. i don't think their intention is to get the other player reported, they just want a cheap free kick or 50m penalty.

    it would be impossible to penalise players for doing it but i don't know why its culturally accepted.  i think they make themselves look soft.

  10. pratt didnt dive

    i think you underestimate how hard some of these blokes hit

  11. I don't think they want players to get reported, they do it so they can earn free kicks, I doubt that any player wants an incident to gain as much coverage as the Wakelin/ Hall one.

  12. Football.

  13. The blame lies not with the players but with the current interpretation of the rules. Players I am sure are instructed to take every opportunity to get frees when they have no chance to actually get the ball. But I think overall the tribunal after seeing the replays doesn't penalise players who are the victims of other players taking a dive. Also big problems are in the plead guilty get less time point system. For example if the Maggies are playing Melbourne next week a player will plead guilty and take a guaranteed 1 week suspension rather than missing out on playing say Footscray the week after. But I agree its ridiculous. Brings back memories of Aussie v Italy in the last world cup.

  14. Yes, sad to say, it does look like this type of behaviour is becoming part of Australian Rules culture.

    When a player behaves in such a manner & is supported by that teams fans - well, they will do it more & more. An example is in these answers - someone has said Pratt didn't dive! That respondent is obviously a Kangaroos supporter.

    My opinion is that the main cause for all this type of goings on is because none of the umpires have ever played the game before. They are all only half the size of the players & due to their lack of actual playing experience get conned by diving players, time & time again.

  15. It has gone on for years, i agree though, i couldn't lay down, I'd rather get up and get a few back into him, pride mate.

    i don't think it's any worse than years gone by though, wakelins was a bit weak though, same as that eagles bloke who run in against  hall and fell over,  probably the safest thing to do, but it looks shocking,  all in all though, blokes have played for frees since Adam was a boy.

  16. Nah - its to get a free kick and its as old in any sport as the games themselves.

    You've got like that italian bloke pretending to dive in the World Cup soccer.

    Yeah you've got Wakelin.

    And you've got that St George guy pretending to get Hopoate's finger stuck up his butt.

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