
Why are ALL or my memories not from my first hand view?

by  |  earlier

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Most are from a higher maybe about three to four feet above my head and a completely different angle. I can see myself. I find this very strange.




  1. omg me too! wow i thought i was just wierd. its the same way for me! its the same way in my dreams sometimes too. wow

  2. That is unusual that in recollection you place yourself in the third person.  I too remember things that happened in a way as to exclude myself from the scene.  That is to say, I see the things happening but I am not always "there" as an active participant.

  3. Many of my old memories are like this. After a while the memory itself is gone and what I am left with is the memory of once having that memory, if you follow me. And that remaining memory is often from the outside point of view, as if I was telling myself a story and visualized it from an outside perspective. Memory is a strange thing.

  4. you answer your own question by your nic name now that you are "sober" your past memory's are from the view point of a delusional alcoholic

  5. That's exactly like me. It's always third person. I asked a question that was somewhat similar.

    Here's the question:;...

  6. Funny, all of MY memories are from about three feet below my head and about 9 inches outward.

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