
Why are Adelaide United players cry babies?

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I've never seen such a bad case of unsportsman like behaviour in the A-League grandfinal- it was 6-0, get over it!




  1. Hmmm...well there have been a few incidents that equal or rival that. Melbourne's booing during the presentation of United's medals was also a bad show of sportsmanship. West Coast Eagles players treatment of the kids at the medal presentation in 2006 etc etc. It happens. There will always be reasons and always be excuses and criticisms from the various teams and supporters for and against them. Whilst defeat must be accepted and hopefully with a tone of graciousness, so must winning. A bad winner is equally as stomach turning. I'm a huge (soccer) football fan and devoted follower of the A League and while players like Muscat are given preferential treatment it will always result in some bad blood and ill feeling. Though no one can begrudge the accolades given to Archie Thompson for a incredibly outstanding individual performance. He single handed took control of a unnerved Adelaide defense and hence control of the match.

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