
Why are African American babies are depicted mostly as dark skin on baby motif items or dolls?

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Why are African American babies are depicted mostly as dark skin on baby motif items or dolls?




  1. Because anything lighter would not be considered true African American it would be considered a bi racial baby.


  2. hmmm i dont know

  3. because african americans tend to have dark skin.

  4. Because if they made it with a lighter skin it wouldn't depict a african american baby..

    they use only 3 colors on dolls.. light medium and dark

    although a lot of african american babies are born light skinned.

  5. Because the manufactuers don't want to loose the market, but don't want to spend money on making more than the minimum number of variations. They can get away with only making 'white' and very dark skinned dolls, while if they made the African American dolls lighter, they'd still have to make darker ones for darker families. So long as enough people buy the doll with only two variations, they'll keep it up.

    There are some exceptions- doll makers that have a half-dozen skin tones- but those dolls are more expensive.

  6. Lets be realistic, most African Americans tend to have darker skin pigmentation. It's as simple as that.

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