
Why are Africans better athletes?

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I feel like a racist when asking this question, but are there any actual anatomical/biological reasons because of this?




  1. phelps is african???

  2. Phelps do listen to rap you know?

  3. They have an extra legiment in there ankle.

  4. They are not better athletes, if you look at all sports. I watch gymnastics and weightlifting in Summer Olympics and figure skating in Winter Olympics. Very few Africans are even in these events, let alone win them. Each race has its own features, and these features may give them some advantages in some sports, but they do not monopolize them. Africans have a high insertion of the gastrocnemius muscle, are longer-legged than Asians of the same height, have more efficient cooling systems than other races, etc. This gives them the advantage in sprints. Other races may win marathons, however. You are oversimplifying here. I have written about this subject, but it takes a book to explain it. I look at each sport and each race's traits that help or hinder in it. I only have time to give a simplified example or two now. You should see that no race has an edge in all sports. tell me which sports interest you most, and I can give more details, if I have time. I am writing a book, and I have some paintings to do.

  5. i don't think you sound racist at depends..not all africans are better athletes. i'm African but i do suck! however, my 2 young brothers started running 8 miles when they were 8 yrs old,5 yrs old respectively. they weren't born to run but my dad was their coach!

    since they are better at running, their friends tell them that "because you're from Africa...and run w/ chettahs...that's why"

    but's not only Africans....

  6. Black people aren't better athletes, they are just at an advantage (on average) in certain events. They have a slightly different muscle composition compared to other groups. I work in a medical lab and we have to take account of ethnicity when we are looking at test results that are affected by muscle mass - the results can be dramatically different. Plenty of studies have been done on this, e.g. I just found this reference:


    which concludes that "The racial differences observed between Africans and Caucasians in fiber type proportion and enzyme activities of the phosphagenic and glycolytic metabolic pathways...suggest that sedentary male Black individuals are, in terms of skeletal muscle characteristics, well endowed for sport events of short duration." So this would include 100m sprinting! But it's interesting that there are so few black swimmers, for example.

    Ah well this will probably all get deleted for being racist!

  7. It's not Africans are good athletes, it's that most other people (like most Americans) are lazy and just sit around on their fat ***es.

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