
Why are Ameriacns fighting amongst each other??

by Guest61721  |  earlier

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Instead of against the entire system TOGETHER??

I say we have the power and its time we start becoming friends and not emenies. Parties aside, age and color aside. Can we really afford to go on like this? Better yet- what about our kids?




  1. Because U.S. was founded that way.

  2. The libs should have tried that five years ago.

    I'll never forgive them for what they did during wartime.

  3. Im all for that!

    Fight the system together

  4. they are Sheep, they follow the party line even into a molten volcano,

    I know that's what I'm saying! both parties are corrupt and haven't done anything for the American People since Reagan was in office, I wish we could ban political parties and vote on people

  5. history 101.this country was formed with blood and tears.and will continue even till the end,do you really want a U.S where everyone gets along and there are no differences?i don't!the old make an om-let,you have to break a few eggs.god bless America!

  6. I agree.  We are so divided that it is scary.

  7. Through out US history we have always been divided. It is what makes this country great and keeps either party or ideas from dictaing to the masses. If you think we are fighting now look back in US history. People were killed over political arguments that went too far. This is normal, healthy, democratic discourse.

    It is good that people are emotional about their beliefs. If we weren't we would roll over and someone would take over.

  8. We are far from a perfect nation, but this fighting is normal and good for the republic as a whole.

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