
Why are American warships dropping of aid to the people of Georgia ?

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When they have not even asked for it or even need it. There must be dozens of places in the world such as the Gaza strip where aid is really needed. Or could the real reason be just an excuse to put a military presence there to antagonize the Russians even further ?




  1. they could be dropping of other things besides aid, if you know what i mean.

  2. There is a need and it was asked for.

    Gaza strip wouldn't need aid if they would stop firing rockets.  Kick the murders and criminals out and they could be living in peace.

  3. Who told you it wasn't' needed?. Did some Georgians call you and told you no humanitarian aid was needed?. It was needed and they called for it. Don't presume you know what's needed or not in Georgia when you aren't even there.


    I know because there's this wonderful source of information called the INTERNET. Look it up.

    USA sends aid to dozens of countries in Africa and Asia, especially after disasters like 2004 tsunami and the cyclone hit in Myanmar. Why should Georgia be left out?. Please, get yourself better informed before mouthing off nonsense.

    And your source for your assessment that no aid is needed or wanted in Georgia?.

  4. We do that for people in need, and the Gaza Strip is more concerned with attacking than with any need for aid from anyone. Our goals do not include antagonizing Russia.

    FYI: It's argument, no "e."

  5. because the aid consists of weapons for the georgian army

  6. I think it is politically motivated.  They have taken a stand against Russia and feel the need to represent that they are coming to the rescue, whether  the Essetians want it or not. (I hope I did not mangle the spelling too bad.)

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