
Why are Americans clinging on to the 'Clovis Asians' theory of colonisation of America?

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As there are sites with Australoid bones in Brazil that predate the 15,000 year entry date by about 20,000 years, and there's mt DNA in native americans that could ONLY have come from Europe about 20,000 years ago or more, it's never been seen in Asia. They've even found Ainu DNA in natives from DNA studies of the immune system.

So why this fixation with Clovis Asians as the sole ancestors of native Americans?




  1. I can't imagine why you would think Americans are clinging to any particular theory.  Which Americans are you talking about?  Please don't generalize.  Most people are very open and receptive to any theory of colonization beyond the "land bridge" hokum.  Personally, I think someday we will find proof of a sophisticated, well traveled world society that predates anything we have found before.......if we don't self destruct and have to start all over before then, that is.

  2. There's so much evidence for Clovis, and so much less evidence for earlier colonization.  It's hard to explain why humanity would spread so quickly and thouroghly from Clovis origins, while earlier humans were so sparesly populated.  It begs the question that perhaps the evidence of earlier occupation may be in error.

    That being said, more evidence for pre-Clovis peoples have been trickling in these past few years.  If evidence continues to mount, the Anthropological community will gradually come to accept it.  It will take time.

  3. ...wouldn't they kind of LOOK European? I mean if they are Caucasoid stock, the Mongoloid got in there pretty strongly! Now where did that come from...

  4. I  am with you on this one the clovis point spread  across the nation as a scientific  out break. once seen in its ability to hunt ,   the clovis storm was on , the people didnt spread that fast and wide , but he point did

  5. because they got the point,physical dating evidence any other evidence would blow a few  ego,s  .i believe a European  skeleton was found that pre dates the Clovis point evidence by some time but was dispelled  to  protect  reputations.

  6. Because they are all fruitcakes. The original people came from the 5th planet of the 3rd star of Orion's belt, as we all well know by now.

  7. Simple: cost of the history books that would change that to the truth!

    I'm so glad you said that about the Australoids in Brazil. There are Aboriginal bone structure in some skeletons in Patagonia they have tentatively dated to plus or minus 500,000 years!

    Great! Our ancestors were in ships a L...O...N...G time before anyone thought they were!

  8. Conservatism or if you will, resistance to change of any long held myth.  Too many will have to restructure their thinking & include new discoveries if they factor in the evidence.  However, this is not all bad as it forces in depth investigation of new discoveries.  Some of the giants of Anthropology have built their reputations on their "accross Beringa" hypothesis.  We also have a large segment of politically correct people that can be described as hating any mention of Europeans in pre history & wish to portay them as uncultured, backward & ignorant brutes when compared to the rest of the World.

  9. I'm fascinated by all those new discoveries.When I look at Amazonian indians, I see they are so different than Eskimos,North American Indians.

    It's interesting to see how strong mongoloid tribes were since ancient time.We can be impress with the more recent military achievement of Genghis Khan or his similar for example who terrorized Europe during almost a millennium.

    Archeology now show that they came later after Australoid or Africoid  tribes who were their first in America.They slowly drive-out the blacks out not because they were smarter but more efficient.

    The mongoloid learned better hunting skills from mamouth hunting, an northern animal necessary for survival in cold area.Chasing mamouth or other large animals take organization and the Asian mongoloid developed it while the Australod/Africans were more individualistic and traveled in small groups.

    Villages were divided in to clan and everybody work for himself,thus less learning.The Asians assimilate whatever in their ways and learn from them.The Clovis Asians may have been newer than the Africanoids but there must be a good reason why they are still around today but the Africanoid disappeared until modern days slavery.

    Asian countries of today still show that strong organization factor even if they are physically weaker due to their small size.Australia aborigine who are the closest relative of the very first ancient black population of the Americas show similar structure and behavior like disappeared ancient people of America.

    They hunt alone small animal without the help of fellow tribesmen.

  10. it seems to me that way too many people try to prove that we (native Americans )are not a people of ourselves...i tend to think if scientist work at it long enough then no one has to feel so bad about the theft of our land,the brutal murders,the rape of women and children,i think if they work long enough then they can bury their guilt deep enough that their hands no longer look bloody...get over it!

  11. I asked a very similar question a  week ago on the american site, they weren`t happy at all, when I told them the original americans came from France.

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