
Why are Americans "checked out" of government?

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In other countries people care about what their government does and in some cases actually have the power to overthrow a government if they don't approve. I just don't understand why Americans have become so passive when it comes to their government. If we showed some interest and passion for what happens here, maybe it might have an effect. There are so many issues that have huge implications,(healthcare, education, the war, etc.) so why do we stand for the BS answers and excuses they give us when things don't get done?

Not violent protests. Protests that produce can be peaceful.




  1. Good question my friend.

    Most Americans are so busy with everyday work and family that they don't find the time to read and see what it is really going on behind the screen.

    The government benefits from that.  Bush said after 9/11 "go out and consume" and leave the rest to us.  That is what most do.

    Work, eat and consume.

    The US government, owned by corporations, wants consumers, and not knowledgeable citizens well aware of government activites.

  2. I will differ with most of the people who have answered, they have not checked out because they are so dissatisfied with the government they are checked out because for the most part life is good. This is still the land of milk and honey for most people. The wealthiest poor people in the world live in the USA. The American people have the luxury of complacency. The vast majority of people don't want the boat rocked by activists either on the far right or left so long as they can take the kids to Chuckie Cheese, buy flat screen TVs and watch NASCAR they are happy why change.

    Its only people on the far left and far right who are demanding change and are bitter that more people don't want to go along.

  3. This is being creected by the illegal issue. The sleeping bear is awake now.

  4. In my opinion i believe that americians are checked out of the government because most of us are fed up with them...i.e. war in iraq...Some people dont like are president so they decide to not care anymore. Another reason is that people might feel as though they are hideing information....

  5. Too much s*x, drink, and rock and roll is why no one cares anymore.

  6. their education is pathetic. science is banned by christians. social sciences are more concerned with offending minorities than the truth.  

    the media is more concerned paris hilton than iraq

    people are only concerned with what they're going to buy next.

  7. I think people are  tired of the governments lack of problem solving on both sides of the political fence and  they don't see anyone worth voting for anymore.

  8. Americans haven't quite checked out of American democracy, they just aren't included in the national conversation anymore.

    Think about it, where can Americans voice their opinions in a meaningful place that will affect the outcome of elections?

    Rallies and demonstrations need publicity, and all we see on the news these days are missing children, celebrity scandals, and lots of fluff pieces that don't ask anything of value or hold any of our elected leaders accountable for anything.

    Our people are educated, our journalists are well-trained, but our press isn't very free. Read the Reporters without Borders release

    America is ranked 31st in the world in terms of free press.

    We aren't well informed and we aren't well-equipped to make ourselves heard. That is why we aren't participated in government--we aren't included and we aren't complaining.

  9. Disillusioned="checked-out"

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