
Why are Americans self-centered?

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Is there any particular reason as to why Americans think they are better than anybody else and that the world ends at their borders?

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  1. Because it does  

  2. It's "Patriotism".

    Don't bother arguing about this. The majority will come up with some politically correct answer that doesn't bear anything close to reality.

    "Yes, it is a generalization. Yes, it is a stereotype. I am not saying that all Americans thinks this way. However, in my experience, a good deal of them do."

    That's where I've made my conclusion. I agree with it.

  3. There's nothing wrong with being proud of where you come from. Americans just have a lot of patriotism, that's all. But you're right, sometimes it can be excessive to the point where it's misunderstood as cocky, arrogant or selfish.

    P.S.: I'm guessing you're not American! LOL ^___^

  4. I'm very sorry you pathetic liberals  don't  like patriotism or understand it but that's your problem. I  just love my country nothing more nothing less.

  5. Being an American myself, I can understand where you're coming from in making a 'generalization'/observation like that. Many Americans aren't even patriotic; they're downright egotistical, which is quite irritating to deal with.

  6. I don't think they all are. Some of them sure but I have lived in 3 different countries incuding the US and I really don't see much of a difference. People naturally care more about their own country and then other countries to the extent that they effect them. It just so happens that in the States other countries do not effect daily life as much as in others. What I always wonder is why non-Americans seem to think it is okay to make broad generalizations about the 350,000,000 Americans based on media representations when they have personally interacted with only a handful. You need a lesson in steretypes. I'm sure I could tell you many negative stereotypes about your nationality too most of which are not true to the majority of people in your country.

  7. No chance that you are just generalizing is there?

  8. Do you realize how many of us there are?

    Do you realize that we aren't all the same?


  9. typical commie

    look we have national sovereignty cause its vital for a nations survival

    this whole global c**p you left wingers preach is a fantasy world

    who makes the laws then huh?

    communist china? despot leaders in africa?

    Russia? Muslim nutjobs?

    you see Our nation ends at the borders and where does it say we are supposed to be the hand out supply to the world?

  10. we as citizens of this country have no control over any others, and little control over ours....we worry about our problems cause you must take care of home first

    how can we tell you how to keep your house from burning if ours is on fire...doesnt make sense does it...but dont fret when the world need big brother with his big gun (and yes we spend 400 million a year on our military wish is 100 times more than the second runner up so we do have the biggest guns) to get everyone out of a crisis, such as a third world war

  11. There is no reason for them not to be, have you not noticed that people in all countries on earth ape all that is American.  They have ruined singing, dancing, music, and the English language, and all the world has followed behind.

  12. So I assume you are self-centered to?

    If you do not count yourself as one of these people then you should not just ask why Americans are self-centered, ask why SOME Americans are self-centered. Not all of America thinks this way and you should not generalize while somehow excluding yourself from the group that you are a part of.

    - Isn't it annoying when people act like we are idiots for saying "American" when it obviously refers to the U.S.?

  13. like we're the only ones -

    Talk to anyone with even the mildest nationalistic pride

  14. first of all, thanks for admitting that you are in fact generalizing about Americans. this now makes you seem less of an ***hole. Look if you do live in America and you don’t like Americans and our ideals, then what the h**l are you doing here? Leave, pack all your stuff and go live in a country whose attitudes you are more ok with. And unless you have met every single united states citizen and have really gotten the chance to see how they really are then you really need to shut up. And I am sorry for being rude but I just don’t understand why there are so many people like you, who just like to point out all the negatives about USA and never once care to know that this is an amazing country with amazing people living in it.  

  15. There is a huge difference between pride and being self-centered. You may want to get a dictionary.

    Anyone living in North and South America is technically an American. So I'm going to assume based on this poorly researched article you linked that you are refering to the Americans living in the United States.

    You do realize that every country believes their better than everyone else. It's called PRIDE. Saying the US citizens are the most self-centered of them all is a huge generalization for a country built by immigrants.  

  16. FYI bubba, Americans are the greatest givers per capita of any FIVE countries in the world.  

    Why are YOU so self centered?  YOU'RE an American.  Look in the mirror little man!    

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