
Why are Americans so angry about how they count in olympic???

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oh they are so angry. people just ask normal question and americans always are angry and leave agrressive message why??? they are so hateful... America actually never won anything in major sports. olympic is just population game. I don't like Americans being so angry and arrogant when they actually are not even that good. why are they so angry about people asking how they count medal diffrently??? do they have inferiority complex??? I wish Americans are relaxed people like normal people. they are too twisted???




  1. America has lead the olympics on so many occasions that they expect that to be always the case. When it doesn't happen, people will look for excuses.

    I do believe that the total number of gold medals is the way to count the leading nation, not the total number of medals. Silver and Bronze only come into play when there is a tie in the number of gold.

    The US would be disappointed in their track results thus far. I'm not saying they have done badly, I'm saying that they would believe they could have done better!

  2. It's the media it teaches us that americans are always the best and if they are not someone is cheating. It's our extreme amount of pride that gets in the way of clear thinking. Speak your mind and forget about them.

  3. If your going to type in english you should really try to correct your punctuation! The answer to your question is quite simple.  Americans strive to be the best at everything, after all the good ol USA set the standards on the world stage in almost every aspect of life! Every country in the world that has a modern society has modeled its infrastructure after the US. People from all over the world have come to the United States and prospered off of her vast limitless opportunities. Let me also remind you about your comments, An AMERICAN has won more gold metals than anyone else in Olympic history! That my friend speaks for itself! End of conversation!

  4. Sorry, but I have to agree.  Please give us a clue as to what the h**l you are actually asking.

    And 'Anon' - By your rationale the US still doesn't come in first.  The US has more than 10 time the population of Australia, yet only double the medals.  And 5 times the population of Great Brittan, and only triple the medals.  Nice rant, but be careful that your arguements don't bite you in the ar$e.

  5. Because we ARE the best in the world. Look at China. They have more than 4 times as many people as the US does and they still have less medals than we do. The day we feel content to come in second is the day America fails.

  6. yes. i think so. that's why the Americans have lots of enemies such as the Iraqi, Iran, Afghanistan, Cuba, North Korean, Russia, China... uncountable. i think all the Americans should move to Mars. Earth is not welcome U.S ~~~  

  7. You have to understand that Yahoo answers is mainly an American site, so there will be angry people posting on here, but there are generally angry people in any country.  There is no reason to hate on the general American public for what a few fools do.  It is true that American athletes in the past have been told to keep their arrogance to  a minimum, especially before Athens 2004, but it does not reflect on how Americans are in general.

    Anon: Your logic is flawed because you are assuming all Chinese have the same opportunity as all Americans to develop.  This is not true due to genes and culture.  China wins badminton and table tennis events because they care about those a lot and have developed a history of winning in those events.  They don't perform as well in athletics because they do not carry the same genes Usain Bolt does.  Thus, they are not drawing from the same talent pool.  In addition, the U.S. actually sends more competitors to the Games than China does on average.

    If you really want to bring population into the argument, since the U.S. is the third most populated country in the world, I'm sure there are much smaller countries with a better average rate of success.

  8. its because they are saw losers

  9. they are just jealous on china

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