
Why are Americans so complacent about oil prices??

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I don't really see big protests or a mass of people really ready to do something about this.Does anyone not remember history so we are not condemned to repeat it. I grew up with people we survived the Great Depression and unless we really

change something here we could easily see what they lived thru. Someone told me putting SUNOCO stickers on your car are a fashion statement-are they NUTS???To me it feels like they have a

confederate flag and a n**i swazstika(symbol).You can NOT make excuses for these companies and keep supporting the slow demise of our economy.We need a great invention on a mass scale and we need it fast-but i really believe if more people would take an interest And maybe(get mad) write /speak STRONGLY to government officials start

bigger rallys organize. Of course during the great depression we didnt have the large elderly population we have now-maybe we could just eat them first-because only the strong survive...........




  1. Protests do nothing. The big oil executives out on the golf course do not care about the little guy. We must instill our views on our state and federal officials. That is the key to this mess.

  2. I agree action should be taken, and maybe I will add that to my list for my organization, even though I have discussed it, I know we need to address it head on.

    Check out my site, and maybe we can do something about this.

    I will fight for what the American people, as long as the american people will support the mission.

  3. Many people feel with Oil Men running the federal government nothing will be done until there is a regime change in the US.  Never fear, it's coming....

  4. I am sure that if Obama is elected with the help of Hillary, their socialism Healtcare for everyone will let all over the age of sixty die , instead of them what ever it would take to save their life.

    Prior to the 2006 elections Nancy Pelosi put out a memo telling people that the Democrats had a plan to lower gasoline prices. Her memo discussed many items that Democrats, if placed in charge, would do to lower prices and ease the burden of rising fuel costs. Two years later the plan has yet to be revealed and the price of gas keeps rising. This year alone it has gone up an average of nearly 30 cents a month.

    This plan must be like the mystical plan that John Kerry had for everything but refused to reveal. It is typical for the Democrats to claim they have plans but to be rather short on details. Barack Obama is no different. he talks of hope and change but other than promises to increase taxes and spending he lacks any specifics on how he intends to accomplish things and he does not state exactly what change he is looking to effect.

    Back to the gas plan. The Republicans in Congress have sent a letter to Speaker Pelosi respectfully requesting that she release the plan she claimed the Democrats had oh so long ago. I doubt we will see a plan because none really ever existed. Democrats are big on making empty promises and hoping that people will not remember them. In the state of Maryland we have a governor who did this very thing in the run up to the 2006 elections. He promised that he would lower the electric rates that consumers in the state pay. The rates went up 75% and will increase again this summer (the new rates are justified and Democrats are the ones who caused the sudden increase).

    I believe that this letter from the GOP is their way of politely saying to Speaker Pelosi, “Put up, or shut up.” If only it were that easy.

  5. I say we start a protest vote and vote everyone in the House and senate out this election and start with a fresh, new group who will do everything they can to make  the USA energy suffiient here at home and lower the gasoline prices!

  6. How some of you can keep blaming BIG OIL for our energy crisis is narrow minded myopic and blind! Your so wrong you will never be right!  Oil companies are not making any more per gallon of fuel than they were 30 years ago!  8 to 11cents period!  They are just selling more of it!  And making a profit for ones labors is not a crime and for you or the Democrats in congress to pretend a profit is a crime is a crime in itself!  The oil companies EARNED that money and it is theirs to use as they see fit!  Not as YOU or the Democrats see fit!  Democratic Politicians are just in reality petty little thieves who take others profits or wages for their own uses.

  7. In Europe the truckers are protesting by parking and the highways and protesting.  Maybe that's what needs to happen here.  I think people don't realize they can do something themselves to help change the oil crisis.  It is going to take a lot to lower oil prices.  Everyone on Earth is going to have to change the way we live.  Just look at how many products we use that are in plastic.  If we can reuse and recycle it will be a move in the right direction.

  8. Why are Americans so complacent about oil prices? Simply because we always have been. No better reason than that.

  9. Flip_Ant is full of c**p, period.

  10. Suggestion there is this to consider Authority as in Gov likes way things are so to bring dissatisfied computer programmers together with citizens to make currency based on designs based on citizen trades through 3d imaging. Image of bill like a touch screen like in a Paris train station where you select your destination. Picture of money in digital recorder then scanned to printer. Image of say construction workers at work then say for example 1 's put in each corner.

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