
Why are Americans so disrespectful of their national anthem?

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Watching one of the medal ceremonies this morning, I noticed the gold medal winner, American, rocking side to side as it played. That is not acceptable for my national anthem. I make my children, who are dual nationality (American) stand at attention when either national anthem is played, but obviously it's not so important for The Star-Spangled Banner...? What's the deal?




  1. Its just a flipping song - some people dance to it so whats your problem?

    Just get over it.

  2. It's a song... get over it.

  3. So just because one of our gold medal winners was basking in the glow of their victory, you assume all Americans are disrespectful of their national anthem?

  4. I agree! I think etiquette should be taught by parents. There should be some type of etiquette training taught in schools as well for those who are unfortunate to have bad mannered parents. But He did win a medal for USA . What medal did you win?

  5. The pride is astronomical for the Olympians. I know not a single American who would ever mock or disrespect our anthem. I can't imagine this Olympian was aware of what he could appear like to others. All I've heard from U.S. Olympians is the pride they feel when the anthem is played. This one gold winner, I believe, would have never intended for it to appear as if he was being disrespectful.

  6. They took the importance out of it when they decided it be banned from schools.  I am a proud American.  But over the years the influx of immigrants decided they shouldn't have to sing it, listen to it, learn it or have their children participate in school.  In time, it became unfair to these people and in the end it was banned.  So now it's "just a song" a meaningless little ditty written a long time ago by some guy.  Sad.  

  7. Where does it state that one has to stand at attention?

  8. He  wasn't  being  disrespectful.  Get  over  it.

  9. I'm Belgian. I don't even know the words to my national anthem.

    Earlier in the year, our prime minister sang the french national anthem by mistake when people asked him to sing the Belgian one.

    Who cares about a stupid song. I really don't get patriotism.

  10. Did you stop to think that maybe they were extremely happy since they just won a gold medal at the Olympics? Wouldn't you be?

    So they were moving to the music, is that such a bad thing? Just because they moved to the sound of their own national anthem doesn't mean they were disrespecting it in any way....if anything, it's showing that they were in to it.

  11. who was the athlete? maybe he was rocking side to side from nervousness? all the American medal ceromonies i watched the Americans were respectful.

    calm down geez

  12. Because its only a song.

    Its not anything important.

  13. Did your children just perform their little butts off to earn a gold medal?  No, I didn't think so.

    Did you ever stop to think that just maybe the athletes are so hyped up with excitement and nerves that it's perfectly acceptible for them to sway a bit?  It's not like they were not looking at the flag, chattering on their phone, picking their nose, etc. etc.

    Lighten up.

  14. "Please STAND for our national anthem."   It does not state anywhere that the person must remain completely still.  

    Edit:  I will say that anyone who is military is required to stand at attention wither in uniform or not.

  15. Sometimes I feel the athletes are simply selfish.  They feel that they won the medal for themselves and not really for their country.  

  16. Yeah, I don't really get what the big deal is. The person was just probably really excited. There have been a few that I've seen who can't even get the words out of their mouths because they're so overwhelmed with emotion. All of the athletes I have seen during the Olympics are incredibly respectful, and many of them only start to cry after the national anthem starts playing. It brings a lot of pride to them.

  17. How can you tell whether a person is patriotic or loves their country or is any less respectful of what it stands for by the mere fact that they rocked side to side while the national anthem played?  You can read what's in their heart from that?

  18. American schools as well as American family's have failed to do their job in training the future generation about respect and decency.  Instead the schools are too busy teaching bull c**p socialist doctrines- things such as global warming and alternative lifestyles to even touch on history and real politics... While parents are too busy living their lives and pursuing their own goals to even care about teaching their children about respect.  Parents have outsourced their job to the socialist school system and the communist media.

    As for those who choose to pretend that this is an isolated incident and "American's are respectful during the national anthem" I invite them to attend a high school football game tomorrow night in their home town... take a look at the teens during the anthem- many act as if nothing is going on... they're blatanly disrespectful and rude.  Its time people stop living with their heads in the sand and realize that Americans (not all, but certainly many) are very disrespectful during the anthem.

    Of course one is free to behave as they please during the anthem, however, in my opinion that is all the more reason to stand at attention while it is played.  It is a sad commentary on our society that people will disrespect their anthem "just because their allowed too... its a free country..."

  19. No one in America teaches young folks respect any more.  It's not just the National Anthem- it's everything.

    Never the less, Patriotic things such as the National Anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance (which used to be recited in schools.  They have since overturned that, too) are the first things to be thrown out.

  20. He probably couldn't stand still after running like, a milllion miles or something.

    Most Americans are very respectful of the Anthem.  

  21. i know what you mean.  in my country you stand still when your anthem is being played show some respect to your flag. all these americans care about is gold medals and thats it

  22. Maybe he forgot the words, so he was trying to hide his embarrassment.  

  23. First of all, I think Americans are among the most respectful of their own national anthem when it is played.   I would say 99% cross their hearts (to show devotion)  and most sing the words.  Now, as someone else posted, not everyone even KNOWS the words to their national anthem.  You would be hard-pressed to find an American who doesn't.  

    Also, you're only expected to stand at attention if you're in the military.  Otherwise, just standing is considered respectful.  

    After profuse physical activity, athletes are bound to still be jumpy, the adrenaline is bound to be flowing still.  Adrenaline doesn't just shut down when you stop moving- not to mention the fact that they're on international TV for everyone (like you) to judge.

    I can't believe you're judging someone's respect for their country based on the fact that they were jumpy after competing.  Honestly, how calm did you expect them to be?  If they were standing there calmly, people would probably say they weren't excited enough.

    For those who keep posting that America doesn't teach respect anymore, I work in schools (plural, meaning more than one) and the pledge is still recited EVERY morning.  If you're walking down a hallway when it is on the overhead speaker, you stop, find a flag, cross your heart and recite, even if you're standing by yourself.   As for high school football games, I don't know about your town but mine requires all athletes to remove helmets, face the flag, cross their hearts, and show respect.  The entire crowd stands, men remove hats, and most sing along.  Respect IS taught.

  24. I haven't seen anyone disrespecting the National Anthem. Get over it.

  25. Some people get nervous standing up there or maybe they just like the music and want to sway. Geez, it's not like there picking their nose or anything.

  26. I know Australians aren't brilliant but we do well enough at singing our anthem.

    Using Bolt new it word for word but most other countries don't know one word.

    The problem is that we have lost the idea that the anthem is not something that you have to stand to but something that you should be proud to stand and blast the words no matter how bad you are.

    STANDING TO ATTENTION only makes you look fake unless you have been in the army. So stand or get as high as possible and blast out the words clear and passionately and that's all you should do. If he wanted to sway in the emotion and let it carry him then that was good. Did he speak or did he laugh or did he forget the words? Those are the bad things not swaying or crying or jumping.

    The one truth is: that if you can doesn't mean you should. (Its the same with power.) Controlling himself and standing and delivering his passion through his heart and soul should be his goal and if he does it physically then that's why he's in the olympics but i do it through my voice so that's why I'm a solo artist.

    (BTW Australians still teach our old boring Anthem to school kids even though most don't understand the old style lyrics.) I personally think the american anthem is better sounding and just as meaningful but a lot of American's don't abide by it or take it in the wrong way.

  27. when was it YOUR national anthem ... isnt it ourrrrr national anthem. is it just you who lives in the USA you run the country and tell all your children to stand like military people. he was nervous ... he just won a gold medal. if you won a gold medal what would you do.??? would you stand straight uptight. give people a break. and also ummm the National Anthem is the sameee exact thing as the Star Spangled Banner.  

  28. well america is a FREE country so yeahh we can do that.

    its not our fault america rocks and people can actually have opinions and do what we want.

    idk where you live but its CANT be as kick butt as america. your country sounds so uptight

    and i have anxeity disoder and i always rock back side to side i cant help it..its because im nervous...

  29. They are doped to their eyeballs and can't stand still. They only want gold and so don't stand still while other countries anthems are played. They are emotional and all choked up, so they can't sing. They are still high on adrenalin and can't stand still. They are doing a rap number on the anthem in their minds. Being U.S. they really don't care about it. Take your pick.

  30. they weren't in the military

    no need to stand at attention

    people are obsessed with every little thing Americans do

    it is kind of flattering I guess

  31. Cause its just words. Words are far weaker than the actions tose words descibe. And when it comes down to it. There are those who talk the talk, and those who walk the walk. Obviously he walking hard if he just won the gold.

    And on top of that he was prolly young and anxious to have won. His muscles were probably still hyped.

    But yeah, some people definately lack the necessary respect for the anthem

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