
Why are Americans so dumb?

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I have talked to a lot of Americans thanks to the brilliance of the internet and I have come to realize that they are the STUPIDEST people in the world. There knowledge of the rest of the world is c**p! Some even think that they went to war with Iraq because of they blew up the twin towers, my country has nothing to do with any of this but even I know better. Also have you seen the American intelligence video on you tube?? What do you think, was it real or staged?




  1. I agree!!  with you!   I have seen the trend going from the  last twenty years.  It used to its 75%   Really dumb and stupid.  Even when i get a phone call, or I have to call somebody.  most are so stupid and dumb.  Then they talk about all this religion c**p,   I get away from them.   good point!   They have to go on the Dr. Phil show, because they are so dam stupid.  Can't figure anything out...  point is interesting......thanks

  2. ooh your setting yourself up for a lot of c**p. brace yourself...

    And since your asking for my opinion, i think you are the stupid classless person for even writing this. stop stereotyping have some respect. I'm sure you have rude people in your country too.

  3. You need a you tubal ligation . . .

  4. not ALL americans r dumb!! you can't judge a country by the retards u meet on the internet, they're probably on the internet cause no 1 they know wants 2 deal w/them.... but seriously, dude, don't judge us by the .01% you have interacted with/seen on the internet.  

  5. Dude not all americans are complete idiots, maybe 88% are but the rest have some common sense and they use it. Plus who the h**l cares about the Iraq war anymore, it's relatively old news to me and the only thing I want and think about it is that let those dunecoons settle their own differences and we need to just stay in our own country until something of real actual importance does happen that we need to use most of our military for over 7 yrs!  

  6. i'm an american, there is always a handful of people in each country that is stupid and dumb, and ya know you're one of them because you assume that just because Bush made the stupidest mistake by going war with the wrong country, that every soul in america is stupid. i had nothing to do with his poor decisions, i had nothing to do with voting to go to war. it was all on him, i will admit he's the worst president in american history, but don't call me dumb dude. look in the mirror first.

  7. If you base your little pitiful assumption of Americans from what you get from YouTube, you must not be the brightest bulb out there. Let me ask you Europeans something....Do you think you are bad a.s.s for coming onto an AMERICAN website to spew your little jealous hate Americans tyrade? Well, it makes you look like a r****d, FIDO. Now, go back to your little flat and brush your teeth.

  8. Oh god, not smart! You've probably just offended about a million people. I know what you mean though, recently a lot of the jokes seem to be at America's expense. That miss South Carolina did them no favours!

    You really are generalising, though there's probably loads of Americans who are intelligent.

    Maybe once they get rid of George Bush they'll get some credibility back.

  9. I am an American. That video was probably pretty accurate, but I'm sure that some were deleted because they were able to give the correct answers. About 10% of Americans are fairly intelligent and educated. The rest are complete idiots. Rarely do I meet anyone who knows anything about the war. It was either Saddam or the Indians (who apparently are all Muslims). Unfortunately American society has gotten out of hand in the past 50 years, most notably because of inbreeding, poor social systems, poor education systems, and cultural obsessions with video games, blowing things up, and television.

  10. No its just the women.

    Smart women likely are from these countries:


    China,...not Hong Kong or Japan




    But here the America women tend to make us look bad.

    *See how I got thumbs down? American women hate the truth too.

  11. You base your experiences off of the internet and the media in general? I suggest you come over here and talk to people that go to Harvard, Princeton, Yale, or any major university. I guarantee you will find many people smarter than you.  

  12. I am sorry that you have had such a negative experience in your dealings with Americans.  But, please look at who you are talking to.  I doubt that the individuals you have had contact with are sterling examples of American society.  After all, every barrel has a few bad apples.  Yes, I agree that some of the stuff that you see is intellectually appalling but many people on the web are young and probably not the best students.  After all, if they were, they would not have so much free time on their hands, they would be engaged in other pursuits, perhaps even studying.  I am a mature American lady and I still go to school.  I want to learn new things and meet new people; and there are many like me.  I hope that you get an opportunity to meet some of these other folks in the future.  You might be pleasantly surprised.    

  13. Says the idiot who somehow thinks he's smarter then Americans by watching (and taking seriously) a video on YouTube and talking to teens on the internet.

    Every country has its stupid and smart people, quite frankly, I think you're one of the stupid people.  Don't judge a whole nation based on a few people and some random video on YouTube, that's just stupid.  

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