
Why are Americans so much less likely to believe in man made global warming than Europeans?

by Guest66236  |  earlier

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Is it because we have the lowest test scores in science and math of any westernized country?

Is it because our country is full of religious fanatics who hate science?




  1. America is a large place ,with all kinds of people ,one cannot really generalize.

    but if we go by

    what is projected in yahoo Answers one gets the impression

    that the people have the same distrust of science as they had

    A few centuries ago.

    they will be burning Environmentalists next for witchcraft

    We are sliding back into the dark Ages

    Apart from that Americans are more Religious ,Same as then.

    Blindly believing that God is driving

    The thumbs will prove my point

    more naive ,and unaware from Environmental events

    And it interests them less.

    Having a lot of land , with the main focus on power and money

    not Philosophy.

    the opinion of the masses result from

    censorship and propaganda

    They think for themselves is a joke

    corporations and religion think for them

    The general public is a herd animal

    Thinking in groups

    Not like Pagans who are individuals always arguing,

    but always agreeing on what matters.

    take this as for many Americans

    Never All Americans


    1. Unlike the rest of the world, there are no government owned media outlets in the USA.

    2. Press freedom is better protected in the USA than it is in Europe. Many European countries require journalists to get a licence.------------------

    this statement is the opposite of the truth

    All media in the USA is now owned by the same families

    And Mr Yellow then why can people Like Bush become president in the USA,

    and why are all presidents  related????

    Get real

  2. Most Europeans were skeptic too, before Summer 2003

  3. Freedom

    Look Al  Global Warming Gore believes it, so do the three people running for president.

    Many other do not.  

    AMerica did not sign the kyoto accords but we reduce all our pollutants while all the signers numbers went up.

    Just because everyone said the world was flat does not make it so.   Their a lot of information out their and most of it  is subject to interruption.   As of May 1 4  Climate  centers found  that we might be in for 10 years of cooling.   Germans report.

    So before we try and role back the last hundred years which has increased  human life spans, farm production and other advances in science and health let get all the facts.

    Also science is never done.  When some says that you know they do not know science, it about observations and as be observe we may need to re-think our findings.

    How many planets in the Solar system?   At one point the atom was the smallest thing we could see and then we found sub atomic particles.

  4. Two reasons:

    1.  Unlike the rest of the world, there are no government owned media outlets in the USA.

    2.  Press freedom is better protected in the USA than it is in Europe.  Many European countries require journalists to get a licence.

  5. IIt is not because of our test scores.  I am a Mechanical Engineer and we do well on math and science.  I have searched the world over for the energy balance for the earth.  I realize I may not be able to understand everything but should at least be able to tell if it makes since or not.  As far as I can tell those details do not exist.  If I saw the first law of thermodynamics used more for AGW global warming, rather than a model based off the assumption carbon leads to warming, and then fixing future warming to that assumption.  Common sence tells us that the feedback systems net has to be negative or else once the earth starts warming, will never stop.  We all know the temperature will go down someday, and it will reach a maximum, due to natural conditions.  The models do not show this.  The science presented, and searched for by me, has not proven it to me.  I do not pretend to have all the knowledge on the system, but would like to see all this science people are talking about.

  6. No, it is because we have fewer sheep who believe anything told them.  We also love to have everything proven in triplekit before we believe them.  Since most of the research is trying to model a very complex system, more complex than anything most engineers do, their theories keep coming up with holes.  The scientists also do not want to believe that we are coming out of a mini ice age that stopped the Vikings and created unrest in Europe.

  7. THEY KNOW THERE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR GLOBAL WARMING,AND THEY KNOW PERCAPITA,americans carry more sin for green house effect then any other nation in this world,but they are greedy,selfish and self centred

  8. No, it's because Europe is full of facists who hate freedom.

  9. Because we are free thinkers.  We don't buy the c**p they're telling us.  We're smarter than that.  That's why we lead the world and they don't.

  10. Because Americans are usually stubborn, less-educated, and skeptical of science.  Yes most are in their own little bubble and think they are invincible.  

    We need to start thinking of world community rather than isolation, which Americans are overwhelmingly in favor of.  

    I can say this because I live in America but I belong to no country.

  11. Religious fanatics who hate science,  you need to read some history. I know this goes against the grain but many religious people were and are scientist.  And religious people rebelled against a certain country in Europe and decided that we the people would govern ourselves and lo and behold we have the bill of rights which guarantees us those freedoms.  It seems to me your the one who wants everyone to agree with you and not have the choice to disagree. Newsflash  I like my freedom to think and chose on my own and I like the fact others have that same freedom.  Grow Up.

  12. Probably for a couple of reasons.  I think it's more of a general skepticism to and tendency to look at things suspiciously when the pieces of the puzzle don't fit together, which in AGW, they certainly do not.  There are just too many holes in it.  One could argue that skepticism could even be traced back to the days when European nations controlled America.  Secondly, it's the free press.  Granted much of the media is a separate entity from the government, but it's almost like they're the government's lap dog.  However, there are plenty of press sources that are exactly the opposite that don't buy into everything just because they're popular or fashionable.

    And your statements of educational scores and religious fanaticism are inaccurate and ignorant.  Science and math scores are somewhere in the middle of industrialized nations.  And as far as being a religious fanatic, you clearly haven't met any or too few Americans to really know that religion is important, but it's not a blinding force to the world around them.

  13. becuse they are american......GREEDY.....and blind to thier own faults.they are largest consumer in the world,biggest waste producer...yet thinks occupying moral high ground

  14. This man from Ireland doesn't believe there!


    Few generations of young people can have been so betrayed by the adult world that their natural instincts lead them to trust, and which they depend on for security and guidance than those of today. If they're not in parts of the world that are being bombed, looted, or exploited for cheap labor, they are cynically manipulated to become wage and tax slaves on the consumer treadmill and force-fed a diet of scare stories and politically correct ideologogies designed to instill fear, conformity, and subservience. The latest emetic that I read told of children coming home in tears after being told at school that we're wiping out the polar bears. Well, sorry, but the world was as warm in the 1930s as it is now, warmer in the late medieval period, warmer still in Roman times, a lot warmer a few thousand years before that when southern England was tropical, and the polar bears came through just fine. Actual studies of present populations show that they're again managing to thrive regardless--maybe because they don't watch TV.

    By James Hogan 2008

  15. It's nothing to do with test scores. Maybe because the americans (not all but most) are the ones who produce the most greenhouse gases.

    If everyone in the world lived like the americans.. we would need 5 planet Earths to support ourselves. George Bush didn't sign the Kyoto Protocol because he was worried (direct quote) 'that it would damage America economy.' And thats a lie about America reducing their emissions-  Americas emissions of CO2 have actually increased over the past few years.

    'The USA is in fact the only country to have signed up to the Kyoto Protocol and then backed out of it'-

    'Emissions in America have continued to rise and are now 11% higher than in 1990'-

    All you people who say its not real.. you know better than all the worlds climate scientists then do you? Global warming is not a 'theory' anymore. People who say they don't believe in it are people who can't be bothered to do anything about it. Seems like there are a lot of americans on here.. so I'm waiting for a mass of thumbs downs..

  16. The first Earth Day meeting in 1969 predicted that "the threat of a new ice age will be a likely source of wholesale death and misery.  It will not soon be reversed.  In 1968 it was predicted that 65 million Americans will starve to death between 1980 and 1989, and England would no longer exist by the year 2000."

  17. Because more Americans have what they call in the real world "Common sense" and don't get as easily sucked into the giant farce of AGW.

  18. Because Americans are far less gulible. Global warming is a farce invented as the next best 'scare tactic' used by the so called 'enlightened' to raise taxes and create another maze of governmental regulation. Be afraid of the end of the world, if you wish, but all the feel good gestures in the world that are done by those who are so certain that mankind has created a problem aren't going to change Earth's climate. It's not religious fanatics who hate science that are at work here, it's simply the reality that mankind is but an infantesimal piece of the Earth's amazing puzzle, ...

  19. Because we are stubborn, resourceful, and we question EVERYTHING. Also because I think sometimes americans like to put themselves on a pedestal and say "I'm an amarican. I can't POSSIBLY be doing ANYTHING that isn't making the world a better place" and I say this lovingly and knowingly, being from the US myself.

  20. Americans think for themselves.  Europeans and other countries tend to follow people in authority.

    This is why people like Hitler and Mussolini can only come to power in Europe.

  21. Yes, I believe you are 100% on all counts...

    All you doubters, please see this website:

    "How to Talk to a Climate Skeptic

    Below is a complete listing of the articles in "How to Talk to a Climate Skeptic," a series by Coby Beck containing responses to the most common skeptical arguments on global warming. There are four separate taxonomies; arguments are divided by:

    Stages of Denial,

    Scientific Topics,

    Types of Argument, and

    Levels of Sophistication. "

  22. Europe is well on it's way to one world government. History shows a pattern of susceptibility to tyranny and socialist type governments. It's scary to say, but with the far left liberal movement in the U.S. we're not far behind in the race to "big brother."

  23. The U.S. does NOT have the lowest scores in math and science among industrialized (westernized) nations, it actually ranks in about the middle of the pack.

    I can't address religious fanaticism, but history will tell you that Europe has a far worse record for allowing nut jobs to influence its culture than does the U.S.

    Maybe Americans are generally more skeptical and less gullible than Europeans.

  24. No, it is because we are quite a bit smarter than your typical lemming, kool-aid drinker.  

    Where is the science?????  I mean you got record breaking cold and winters this year, yet we are warming....  You better go back to the drawing board and make a scam that is at least worthwhile.

    Typical liberal puts down this country to stipulate some sort of weak fact?  Why don't you move to Europe....

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