
Why are Americans so stupid?

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We allow politicians to s***w us over and follow along like sheap. We let them allow gas companies to gauge prices that have ended up giving them record profits in all of economic history but has resulted in higher cost of living and poverty. Why do we sit back and let it happen without saying NO and instead choose to go broke?




  1. Under Jimmy Carter, interest rates were 21% that is twice

    mafia charges,

    Inflation was 11%,

    Congress did noting to alter oil dependence and allowed

    vehilcles with 9 gl/m to be produced.

    ' You ever wait on a gas line, 100 cars in length?

    Now Democrate offer us Obama the ultimate talking head.

  2. It is called apathy.

  3. I think that not enough of us really, objectively pay attention!

  4. Right on! Because there are many stupid Americans, that's why few people made millions and billions.

  5. we are gullible not stupid. we believe the campaign promises.

  6. To put it right we have to get it together, and that means activism. Unfortunately activism is a bad word now. Gone are the days leaders are born from poverty. We vote for the Ivy league that has no idea what a bowl of Chili is. Why else do you think no other electoral party gets the vote for the presidency beside rep or dems. These runners don't have the acceptable credentials of a "clean record" (of getting away with stuff). More and more ideas fall into the category of radical. and all of us are comfortable with the way things are. If we try to change it will get worse.

    Thoses people losing their houses? They bought into the wrong mortgage. They had a bad feeling about it, but did it anyway. What will they do? Go back to renting. Its a good thing really because then you'll see housing go down in an effort to sell all those empties.The over reaching, overpaying movers and shakers have made nice houses affordable.

    The only reason for the outcry is to push our government into covering the debt. The banks made a bad decision, too. Its not going to help or hurt anyone not living beyond their means.

    Cut up your credit cards now. Don't let anybody tell you to spend, spend, spend! Save, save, save. Live like a pauper and shovel your money into a savings account and Roth IRA. Don't wait for somebody to do it for you. You need something to pay your bills when you retire, and plan on those bills to be double or better!

    Live on less. Turn off your cable. Get a cheaper car. Stop buying stuff. The green cycle didn't work any better than trickle down economics.

    Yes, the economy will stall, IN SELF DEFENSE!

    The only trouble with a stalled economy is that the politicians will have to get paid less, and their buddy corporate executives will, too. It means nothing to us. I've never been paid better for living in a good economy, and it isn't possible to pay me less.

  7. Why do people like you, not use spell-check? It is free. (Ex...sheap is spelled sheep.) By the way...your grammar is questionable at best.

  8. You are asking the same question that many people have, but you don't seem to understand how things are meant to work.

    Our Government isn't supossed to deal with the profits of a private industry in regards to profits.

    Please read the attached links in full. They may help you understand things a little better.

    Our government is actually making more money on every gallon of oil/gas than the evil oil corporations. Oils companies are making about $0.08 per gallon as profits. Would you happen to know what the State, Federal and Local Government makes?? The Fed's alone make $0.60 tax profits from every gallon. Who is looking like the greedy group now?

    When the prices started to rise, did the Government offer to take less tax money for each gallon, or to stop collecting taxes from the price of oil/gas? The answer is no, all of the politicians are guilty, and not just a few people who you are willing to believe lies about, are the actual problem.

    The biggest problem is actually our Government and the corrupt policies that they have created over the years. The current President and the higher people in the administration are not the problem that you think they are.

    On a different note, I agree that President Bush has made some terrible decisions, but you need to know the facts, and not just repeat the lies that you hear on the news or read in the papers. Research issues for yourself, and you will find that there is a lot of things that you was never told about due to politicians who feel a sense of entitlement to your money.

  9. Fox Notnews brainwashing.

  10. If we force oil companies to keep prices down, what will come next?   Will we force farmers to sell their food for less?  How about forcing construction workers to work for less so we can have more affordable homes?  

    No, I believe in the free market system. If you don't like the price someone is charging - don't buy from them.

    On the other hand is it really THAT bad if oil prices are high?  Don't get me wrong, it hurts to fill up at the pump, but what else has it done?  People are actually paying attention to green fuel alternatives. People are actually realizing that gasoline is a limited resource that we should conserve and look for alternatives for.   People are realizing that being dependant on oil imported primarily from hostile countries is a BIG problem.

    It's not the politicians who gave us high oil prices. It was us.

    (But look on the bright side, people ARE waking up, and finally doing something about it.)

  11. More people need to be informed and get out and vote!

  12. this coming from someone who thinks sheep is spelled sheap... use a spell check next time sweetie

  13. probably because i'm american and people like you always ask us stupid question like ugh.. why are american's so stupid. dur> because of ******* foreigners

  14. Lots of people don't even read a newspaper anymore and the schools don't teach young people how to think.  It's important to vote for candidates that represent what you think is best for your town, county, state and country and if you feel motivated, you can do some activism for what you believe.

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