
Why are Americans so worried about Mexican immigrants?

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Theres only 100 million people in Mexico, total. If we just wide-opened the border, what would get? Maybe 50 million immigrants tops. Most coming to work. Many would decide the U.S. isn't what they thought, and they'd return to Mexico. So what would we get--maybe 30 million? Theres 12 million people just in Illinois. We've got room.




  1. We're not worried about the immigrants who enter legally. We're very angry about the ones who come illegally.

  2. Ha American Indians outnumbering Blacks in an American country , they have some nerves.

  3. I live in Arizona, and I don't know, they are the only people that seem to wanna work around here.  but I do think we should be tighter at our borders for terrorists and drug trafficking.

  4. Actually there are a LOT of us who just plain don't mind if people come on in from Mexico.

    The ones who freak out over it are the parinoid lemmings that are controled by the steaming pile we call our government.

    They're TOLD this is bad and so they believe it.

    Who else is going to do the work these people do?

    I live in a big Farming community... and I only know a small handful of kids who would work their summers on the farms... now we're all grown up and those of us who worked our butts off are more than happy to Hire Professionals while our counterparts are claiming the Mexican Immigrants are taking away their jobs.  What job did they take??  sheesh

  5. Because its the ones scared they will lose their benefits and will be squashed into getting a job as Mexicans will fill up all the low class jobs

    Otherwise they are just plain old racists

  6. "They Took Our Jobs" i really don't care if they come or not, they do the work we are to lazy to do.

  7. i guess you have to see it through all the perspectives of every single american, all the different races.

    i think it comes down to racism, plainly.

    i say, let a person come up here and try to make some money to help support the family he/she left behind.

    since america is so worried about money, then let them come in, and track down the work they are doing and take the d**n taxes out of their pay just like the rest of us. *shrug*

  8. I dont have any problem with Mexicans some of them are koo i just hate the ones that come over here with a grudge towards black people and try 2 stir up racist animosity with us black people, second of all what have blacks done to mexicans for them to be so hateful bout 8 months ago i was shot at by some mexicans on a bus stop for no apperent reason.

  9. I suppose because americans are aware in our collective subconscience, of the past history of how the nation was  developed. On the backs of "the others". Now that "the others" are gaining ground, there is an outcry among the new minority. Save the nation from the hordes! and the public is whipped up into a frenzy of distraction, while underhanded two-fisted dealings are on the menu.

  10. where i live there arent many like the west southwest so im not worried.haha. i live in new england

  11. Because Mexicans have taken there jobs, move into the black neighborhoods and then kick the Blacks out.

  12. maybe you have room, but the rest of us don't and have no need for them. they only take, there is no giving on their part. they are draining this country................

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