
Why are Americans such hypocrites? Why do they think they have the right to demand anything from Russia?

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I can almost hear it. "hundreds of innocent georgians killed by the Russians" PLEASE. Look in the mirror. You're in Iraq and Afghanistan!

Think of all the countries you have recently invaded before you start insulting.

Russia is only bringing democracy and freedom to Georgia. The Georgians were fighting for independence from their tyrant government.

This is pre-emptive defense.




  1. "Democracy and freedom" are two terms that (still) co m m u n i s t Russia doesn't understand, much less will ever fight for.  Georgia is already free and it's not thanks to the Russians.  

    Go back to school and this time, pay attention!

  2. Okay.

  3. You forgot to add that Georgia attacked first and Russia was defending herself.  Ossesia wants to be free, let them.

    Look at the bright side, at least you did not line them up and kill them like you did in Afghanistan.

  4. you have absolutely no idea what your talking about kid.

    south ossetia gained independence from georgia in 1992. the georgian people arent fighting for independence, a portion of them have already gained it. 1400 people we killed in days. thats genocide my friend.

    were in iraq and afganistan, yes.

    iraq is idiotic and we shouldnt be there, that is the only thing i will ever agree with you on.

    afganistan was ruled by a militant terrorist government that killed over 2 thousand americans on our own soil, so if you want to ***** about that go ahead, but no one is going to give a flaming **** about your opinion.

    and you think russia is better? what about the 50 million people they killed in a few decades. that gives them a record worse than n**i germany.

    the united states doesnt invade tiny countries for the **** of it. either we invade a country that poses a threat to us or our allies, or we invade a country with a tyrannical despotic ruler, in order to oust the tyrannical despotic government.

    so in short, go **** yourself you stupid, ignorant piece of ****.


  5. they still think its the 1920's and they are the kings of the world

  6. You are a very rude guest of the U.S.A.  You are a University student in the U.S.A.

    Please go home to the country that you respect and get your education there from the teachers that you respect.

  7. all i hope is the USA and Russia choose a battleground to fight it out and leave the nukes at home,  lets keep this fight fair for the world and fight fist to fist on a battle field agreed on and get it over with.  outline key issues in an agreement, 1 with what Russia would like to see, and 1 with what the USA would like to see, and last man standing after the big all out fist fight has his way.

  8. Look at the history ,americans have always been dull,tools of their media.Simple answer they can't think.

    Oh I think you are an other american troll posing as a russian.

  9. it is their ignorance.

  10. Why are Russians such hypocrites?  When Chechnya broke away from them they invaded.  When S. Ossetia broke away from Georgia, Georgia only did to them what the Russians did to Chechnya.

      The Russians are just bullying a smaller country and I think they'll find they lose a lot more men than the US lost in Iraq and Afghanistan combined.

    EDIT:  I never said the US hasn't bullied smaller countries, but your nation does it too, so quit being a hypocrite.

  11. America feels like they have the right to police the world when actualy the world does not trust the u.s. They are a war hungry nation and don't understand how the world works. But the world is fighting back against the opressive american goverment and asking for peace i know in the end good will overcome and the agresive arrogant americans will get what they deserve

  12. Because Russia still has its own opinion and has no desire to do what it is told by the USA.

    And Russia has to many many resources that are wanted by the USA.

  13. First of all, you need to make the distinction between our government, and our people. They are 2 very different things, and 2 different ideas of what's right and wrong, and how to go about doing things and solving problems.

    I do not "demand" anything from Russia. That's thier business with what's happeneing between Georgia and Russia. It doesn't even involve us in the U.S. unless our government decides to start sending troops to Georgia to help them because they are our supposed ally, and I doubt that will ever happen.

    Russia was also in Afghanistan by the way, before we were, so there goes that argument you had.

    Funny how you fail to mention where you're from. Why are you even concerned with what we think anyways?

  14. Good Question after all Georgia started this, what did they expect Russia to do. I would be happy to be a citizen of a country that protected my interests and life. And I agree I find it laughable that President Bush can talk about human rights abuse when he has Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp  

  15. Yada yada yada.

    Show me the oil.

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