
Why are Americans the worst at Martial Arts in the world?

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They are clearly scared to fight anyone in Europe or Asia!




  1. You are sadly mistaken Americans go to great lengths to travel all over the world fighting anyone who gets in their way--whether they deserve it or not.

    And since Martial means military--study your history.

  2. Americans have always done well since the 1950s in international karate tournaments, kung fu tournaments, and tae kwon do tournaments.

    There is always a sizable amount of Americans studying at the Shaolin Temple in China, or in Tae Kwon Do dojangs in Korea, or in Karate dojos in Okinawa.

    Americans do extremely well in wrestling and boxing all over the world.

    But Americans are lousy at Judo.  There are only 30,000 Judo players in the entire USA.  Jimmy Pedro jr spent most of his time in Japan and Europe learning and practicing his Judo to become competitive(this is an individual accomplishment).  The USA is in 17th place in world Judo.

    Americans only started taking Olympic medals in Judo on a regular basis since they lowered the ippon standard in 1996.  You can now win an ippon for a  takedown, trip, or slip instead of a full throw since1996, which is a help to American Judoka.  (In my day takedowns were worth nothing in Judo competition).

  3. Rampage, BJ Penn

  4. hey b.!&#$ ill  scrap any asian or europein or anyone at that. think about what u say before u put it out there for all these americans to read, u got something against americans, u  a little racist? fuc! off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  5. Because, most Americans are arrogant wimps that think their guns and their right hook punches will defend against anything.  I've had people threaten me with right hooks before only for me to calmly show them that I could easily break their arm.

       Your odds aren't that much better against guns.  Guns only work against still targets.  You only have a 6% (If you're a novice) to a 1 in 4 chance (We're talking about champion shooters, military personnel and police officers, not some redneck or hoodrat with a pistol) of hitting a moving target if you're standing 3 feet away or more from the target.

       Not to mention that these days, if you shoot somebody, law enforcement will know, they will find you and they will easily convict you and you will go to jail for a REALLY long time.  Guns aren't worth shooting these days unless you're CCW and somebody's trying to rob you.  

    Another factor too is that a lot of Americans are suspicious of foreign cultures and most martial arts are from foreign cultures.  There isn't a pure "American" martial art, save for maybe kickboxing.  

    Anyway, to make the long rant short, Americans are horrible martial artists because American culture and martial arts culture aren't compatible.  Very few Americans "get it".

  6. We are not the worst so stop tees'n America we come and BOMB yu tees us

  7. Do you morons know that we get our bombs from china?

  8. You totally right! All the martial arts originated in other countries. In jiu jitsu only two americans have ever won the world championships. I think we are lazier. We just make weapons to deal with our problems.

  9. Why are you on an American sight?

  10. Cung Le and Kit Carson are top mui thai kickboxers and for years MMA has been dominated by American fighters a.k.a. rampage, matt hughs, Randy Couture. Other fighting styles may lack Americans because the other TMA's are not very popular here.

  11. I wouldn't say we are the worst martial artist in the world, i would say that many of the martial art schools in America are watered down and thus many bad martial artist come from America. However i don't think we're scared of Europe or Asia, we are one of the world powers and we have an art that beats everything "Nuke do kwan".

  12. not true we got nuclear bombs hahahahaha.and dah we aint chinese we are AMERICAN are style of fighting is boxing and wrestling stuff.

  13. Ive never been beaten By a European or Asian

  14. Our top-level athletic talent goes to Football, Basketball, Baseball, Boxing----where the money is.  Once martial arts pays like those other sports, you'll see a turn around VERY quickly.  Yet despite that, we still do pretty well.

  15. Tell that to my boy rampage jackson to his face

  16. I disagree that we Americans are the "worst" martial artists in the world. Rather, much like the people of our great nation, our martial arts consist of a mish-mash rather than one form. We study martial arts from all over the world here. Never truely dedicating ourselves to one discipline. I beleive this also explains in part, our love for MMA (Mixed Martial Arts).

    Even Bruce Lee (American by birth) studied multiple arts including western boxing.

  17. Scared of a European? I don't think so. I've been to several parts of Europe, the people are far from intimidating.

    Scared of an Asian? I don't know, never really faught one before, except when I was really young at school once.

    Why is it that American MMA fighters usually kick the c**p out of so many other countries' fighters? Hmmmmm....

  18. easy, because Americas got lots of guns.

  19. What?!?  You mean Chuck Norris is not an American? : (

  20. Sad thing is, I'm American and I agree with you.  It comes down to the whole principal of the one on one fight.  "Dirty" fighting is what ignorant people call strategy.

    I teach Kenjutsu and my system is deeply intertwined with Sun Tzu's Art of War.  

    1. The Art of War is the Art of Deception.

    2. Strike where they are weak.

    3. Signal here, strike there.

    4. Let him come to you exhausted, then attack him.

    5. If you must attack, do so unexpectedly by disguising your attack.

    6. If he is strong on defense, divide his defense with feints.

    7. If he is arrogant, feign weakness to lower his guard.

    These are just a few methods I teach my students.  The whole "face to face" philosophy seems to be a plague on Western Military and Martial arts.  It is a wasteful and idiotic way to approach opposition.

    As Americans, we are drilled with the idea of a "fair fight" and are at a loss when approached by someone who doesn't fight that way.  This is what I teach against.

  21. really? do me a favor tell me which asian or europen fighter that beat chuck lidel or randy courture or anderson silva the reason why is that asian cant see who they are fighting and makes it easy pickens on you. Plus if we are going to throw the race cards out here, Brazilans are the bomb and probly the best, silva,gracies,grinel, dalla or how did your so called great asain sensation moon su kim do against a very rookie brock lesnar oh thats right he beat him dow in under a minute, you little asians are so cute and funny, i just want to pick you all up give you a big hug. oh and on a side note, why dont you go to and look up the american called the gecko, he has done nothing but beat asains in all of his pro fights and i beleave he is invited to jujit-su tournaments in brazil and to be honest more americans are invited over asians too so why do you think they are so much better than us. i am not saying we are better but i dont think its right to say you are either, when i have evidents to back up my claims what do you have? Plus why is it most of the UFC champs are americans, and dont say cause it's all about americans cause zuffa goes around the world to find the best and so far no asain champs ina long time. but i guess cause it's just you little asians are being so nice and letting us win, c***k

  22. what type of style are you referring to? i don't recall seeing many euros in the ufc.

  23. That is SO not true!  Have you ever heard of the American Taekwondo Association (ATA).  If not look it up in Wikipedia or something.  It is one of the biggest martial arts centers in the world and it's everywhere, from Arkansas to Pennsylvania.  ATA also creates schools like Karate for Kids (you may have seen one near you).  I myself am a First Degree Black Belt and believe me, I am scared of NO European or Asian!!!

  24. I don't think Americans are necessarily the "worst" martial artists, but it's funny how all these azzholes responding to you make Americans look ignorant by immediately talking about bombing you.

  25. ROTFL.....Stuart you're killing me man.....I haven't laughed this hard in a very long while got these people majorly p*ssed......I love the avatar man "chicken Fried Rice" right? or is it flied lice? ..... I'd love to see this guy at a bar working the room people would be laughing so hard that they'd hardly be able to breathe.  Europeans and Asians........ROTFL.......You should stick with a character that speaks like this dude....."You Razy Americans are arr fat Razy and stupid"......ROTFL......."I'm Rone-ry so rone-ry so rone-ry  and sad-ry arone!!".....ROTFL....... BTW Check this guy's other questions folks and you'll see why this question is all the more "funnier". And I say "ain't" on purpose there stewy!!! Like "ain't" got none and "ain't" never had none.   Just to p*ss off elitists at tux and gown balls home boy.

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    Stuart's answer: When your parents let you go out on a date!

    Can't breathe tears.....sides splitting......

    I think you all have just been....."Silly Slapped"?

  26. because in our country nobody has discipline or self respect and aside from just that 60% of everyone here are either dumb or lazy and fat!

  27. this is based on what? We've kicked Europes *** many times over as well as Countries in Asia that we fought.

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