
Why are Asian children so much better behaved?

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Even the babies seem to be a lot quieter. Why is this? Is it cultural or genetic or both?




  1. thats their culture

  2. You know, I'm with pikid3141 on this one. You have a premise for which supporting evidence is literally nonexistent, save the observations of the posters here (all what, 10 of them?). You seem to notice that Asian children are better behaved, and then you do the exact opposite thing an actual research might do. Instead of looking for evidence that relates to your observation that might or might not verify them, you take your observations for granted, as fact, and look for reasons why you are right.

    I know for a fact that public schools teach the scientific method, and about bias, so what's your excuse? Attitudes like this are one good reason we still have so much racism over 100 years after this country abolished slavery. Quit embarrassing real anthropologists.

  3. discipline is allowed and encouraged as well as self control being taught

  4. One can never discount the strong Confucian background of most Asian countries.  From the earliest childhood, the norms of social behavior set by this ancient philosopher are instilled, such as respect for elders, authority, teachers and eudcation as a whole.  The five bonds of Confucius are not learned later in life but in the earliest childhood and its not surprising after centuries of usage that Asian parents have learned to make babies quieter.  While the West values independence and self-expression to their kids, Confucian parenting teaches early on the proper relationship between the offspring and his elders - that of respect and conformity.

    When a Western baby bawls out in a tantrum, that's self-expression.  When an Asian child quiets down that's respect.

    Clearly the difference is cultural.

  5. Culture. They take the responsibility of parenting more seriously, they are ambitious for their children and ensure they benefit from their education and they place a premium on courtesy, politeness and good behaviour.  Habits unknown unfortuately  to many American parents who often do not know what their children are doing and do not care.

  6. Culture is a big reason. There's a strong message to conform and full rules. At the same time our culture expects kids to behave in certain ways. When we see something different (Asian Kids) we're more likely to comment on it.

  7. Regardless of why, they are generally very well behaved.  They also get good grades overall, and there are plenty of statistics to back this up.  If I have in my last ten years of life observed three thousand orientals or more, and noticed few if any occurrences in which they were obnoxious, then this may be a very legitimate observation.  Do I have their behavior calculated to the hundredth decimal point? No!  Do I need to set up a scientific experiment using test equipment and scientific theory?  No!  Because, I live around people of many races, and have spent tens of thousands of occurrences observing them.  I know empirically something which is this obvious:  Asians are generally quieter, more prudent, and more disciplined than whites, blacks, hispanics, or middle easterners who live around me.  Some people just can't see the forest for the trees!  It's okay to be scientific, but to be ignorant in principle, because that's at least scientific?!?!   That's just stupid.

  8. There have been studies on this subject. Babies can sense things and respond accordingly.  It may just be the amount of time a baby is held, noises and activities surrounding them.  There is alot to be learned from Asian thought.  If you haven't noticed there has been much intermingling of Asian and American thought since Vietnam.  I forsee more forth coming.

  9. Alright that's it.

    I am a Latino teenager and I am sick and tired of hearing this sort of thing.

    To begin, your ignorant question takes into account none of the documented violence of Asia. First off, just to try and rid you of your stereotypes, read up on wikipedias article about the yakuza here:

    Most Yakuza begin their path of violence in middle or high school.

    Secondly, as a Cuban teenager, I am always assumed to be unintelligent, a trouble maker, and lazy. Many of my Asian friends, however, are assumed to be intelligent, hard working, and diligent.

    I will have you know that I am a living contradiction to the premises in your question. Besides earning a 4.0 in my high school, a 2190 on my SATs and having genius level intelligence, I help out in my community and always honor my parents.

    Maybe you should think again before stereotyping like this.

  10. They have discipline over in Asia still. Discipline and rules left America long ago.

    Over hundreds of years of them being respectable, polite and pretty quite, it may have changed something in their DNA as well.

  11. Because Asians think " time outs " are hilarious!!

  12. I think it's probably thats the culture....if a child grows up in a culture were everyone respects there parents then thats what there going to do because every one would think they are weird if they did the opposite...

  13. Well, if you go back in history, the parents of the children expected the children to respect their elders and take great responsibility in different things, so simply talking i guess it's by culture or in some ways genetic.

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