
Why are Asian men crazy about white women?

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Is it like a great achievement if you date or marry one?

(btw, i'm half white)




  1. I don't know where you got this information that asian guys are crazy about white women.  I only find that they date and are married with are mostly asian women.

    When I lived in other city, i had some asian friends, most of them only dated asians. One of my friend, his white female friend, an attonery, in her late 20s, wanted to marry him, but my asian friend refused her.  So , I really dont feel asian guys are too crazy about white women, maybe some, but most of them are not.

  2. This is news to me. Maybe that one or two Asian men you know that "favor" white women should answer why they as an individual like a certain type of women, instead of you assuming that ALL are into the same thing.  

  3. I did'nt know they were...people always find other cultures apart from their own interesting. I find most asian guys stick with their own kind.

    It also goes the other way, as why do so many guys (not necesarily white) are crazy about the the asian girls.

  4. I wouldn't say Asian men are crazy about white women. Most prefer Asian women but the ones that do like white women think they're extoic because they look very different from themselves. In Asian culture, parents usually want their Asian sons to marry Asian women but when it comes to Asian women, they want them to marry either Asian men or a white man because dating white for an Asian girl is considered dating up a class.

  5. That's not necessarily so.

    I'm black, my boyfriend's Asian. He had plenty of opportunities to date other girls who were Asian, white, Hispanic, etc. (and I to date other guys) but we ended up together.

    Most people tend to date and marry within their own race, and also remember that there are still more Caucasians in this country than other groups. So, when people do date interracially, perhaps statistically it's just easier to meet Caucasian people because there are more of them.

  6. i hope its just not white women because i love Asian guys .. there so s**y!

    oh and today i saw a black and asian couple soo its not as rare as you think

  7. I don't think they are CRAZY about them, they are attracted to them though and asian women. They are also attracted to latina women too so i don't know where you get that from, i think they are intimidated by them. And i don't know about other asian guys but i really like indian women too.

  8. I like BBW. Race and nationalites is not all that important to me.

  9. The same reason that every other race of men are crazy about white women.

    White women and other women with light features are INCREDIBLY s**y.

    They have nice soft, silky hair (straight, wavy, or curly).

    They have GORGEOUS eyes (brown, blue, green, gray).

    They have LOVELY light colored skin that just radiates the atmosphere.

    Simply put, light-skinned women (white, Latina, Asian, Middle Eastern, Native American) are GREAT!!!!

  10. Who told you about that?  I live in an Asian country but I never even heard one. Most Asians I know prefer dating & marrying someone within their own race or nationality.  

  11. Who told you that? They might want one for a quick fling but that's all. I lived in Japan and a girl told me once

    "Sensei - Someday I want  go Washington DC."

    "Washington huh? Why?" I asked envisioning her snapping photos at the Lincoln memorial somberly walking through the halls of the White House. 'h**l Yea!' I thought.  America the cradle of democracy.

    "Because," a naughty grin lit her face "there are many black men."

  12. Because they basically worship them. Of course they would probably pass up a good looking black/latina woman for an average white chick. I don't think the way they look really matters, they probably see it as society status that being with a white chick is up the society latter. ( I ain't making anything up, this was stuff I actually heard. It's more kinda upsetting to know that another race who barely interracts with the other see's some as inferior and one more as superior.)

  13. You are generalizing.

  14. In australia, you mostly see asian guys with asian girls, when you see an asian guy with an white girl its like wooow because its rare i guess. :P

    I date asian guys and his asian friends are like "woow if u can get a white girl i can get one tooo!!'

  15. haha, no offense but get over yourself. You have got to be kidding me, if anything it is a cultural negative to date outside our race.  

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