
Why are Australian accnets so hard to copy?

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I mean that people who aren't australian can't mimic them.




  1. We don't have an accent, everyone else does =P

    We are unique and don't want people copying us.

  2. I don't know. I guess we're just unique.

  3. you gotta be kidding! Its an easy one to copy. Anyone can do it! It`s a New Zealand  accent that is the hard one to master. Aussies just cant get it at all, its all because the vowels are pronounced different. English way of pronunciation not American like the Ozzie's.

    Kiwis speak the Queens english like the Brits where as Ozzie's speak like the yanks.

  4. If youre in the US, you dont hear it as much as a host of other accents we have in this country

  5. I don't think it is.  I speak it all the time.

  6. I really don't know. Alot of people try it and it just sounds so wrong on every level, ha!

    Even Meryl Streep butchered it in the movie, 'Evil Angels' I think it was called.

  7. its because when we talk we tend to slur our words together so a sentence sounds like one giant word.makes it hard for people to copy us..

    so what do you think = sowaddayathink

  8. I'm British, and, if I may say so myself, I do a cracking Aussie accent!!

    Cheers, and good luck with your future accent-related endeavours :)

  9. What do you mean so hard to copy lol, natral australian accents is the answer !

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