
Why are Blacks treated unjustly by Police and the "Justice System"?

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there are an inumerable number of cases that go undocumented and very much ignored when the "justice" system conveinently fails African Americans..... anyone who believes otherwise is ignoring an obvious fact that has been displayed throughout American History

this is a review of the case of Ronnie White a Black man SUSPECTED of killing a cop who was murdered while in his cell that ONLY Police Officers had access to.... and I thought no one was above the law.... but I was wrong

this is a trailer of the Trials of Darryl Hunt a Black man convienently falsely accused of killing a white woman...... he spent 20 years in prison for a crime he didnt commit and they had no evidence he commited in the first place

When you are Black it is obviously very dangerous to be in the wrong place at the wrong time

another man wrongly convicted who spent 18 years in prison for rape

he spent 27 years in prison for being the nearest Black man after a rape




  1. It's called racism.  Sorry to say it still exists today.

  2. I don't think it's all just because they are Black, although some of it is indeed racial prejudiced, black cops being more prejudiced against blacks then whites are - strange phenomena that.  

    I think poor people in general get shafted. Our prison system as or any bureaucracy cannot exist unless it feeds and grows larger. The police, the Judge, The prosecutor even your lawyer don't care if you go to jail or not and they don't care if your guilty or innocent. Once you are arrested the system takes over and the system is blind.  

    Anytime I hear someone, who I know could afford a lawyer if he made some sacrifices, say there getting a PD I know they are screwed - try and tell them that. If your freedom and the welfare of your family is at risk why would you scrimp over the one thing that can save you?

  3. system is simply not that fair. too many people of all races that end up imprisoned for offenses that they are later exonerated of and plenty more that cant prove their innocence.  

  4. im not black but i think i speak for most people when i say that the USA is trying to stop terrorism right? but how can they stop it when these terrorists in the USA called the KKK and im not saying black people are so peaceful either i mean there have been plenty of murders and all those point is that there is no perfect race and no matter what there is always going to be racism

  5. "Driving while black" - I guess the stories are innumerable of blacks being hassled by the cops just because they're driving their car.  What a bummer.  Racism and fear and ignorance and Cracker Head.  There's still a LOT of Cracker Head in this country.

    But I've been alive a long time now and I do remember "White Only" drinking fountains (there were no "Black Only" drinking fountains most of the time).  We laugh at that now, but that was THE LAW at one time.  And when a black guy got on a bus the driver would say - "To the back".  Imagine if you tried to pull that now.  Even the republicans couldn't get away with it.    

    I'm white, but there were a lot of us sickened by all that - and still sickened by how much there is left.

  6. The system is unfair to Blacks, personally I think its a racist system. Judges have changed their white sheets for black robes. Cops are even worst than judges. I was so sick of the system s******g me over, I decided to go grad school to be a lawyer. All though I have not completed my JD I have already gained a wealth of knowledge. Now I know how to fight back and use the system for my own best interest. Also, I help others to fight in court when the system has not been fair. Not just blacks, but anyone that is need of my help.

  7. You do understand that you could make this assumption about any race/creed/etc.

    It's all about what you're looking for.  I could find you 10 stories of unjust treatment pertaining to Caucasians, Vietnamese, Filipinos, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Germans, etc.

    If you look for something, you will find it.

    Feel free to throw the thumbs down and ignorant rhetoric in now.

  8. Racism will always exist when there are those who keep pointing it out. Like poking an open sore, it will never heal until you you move to heal it rather than making sure everyone knows about it.

    For every wrongfully convicted black released from prison, there is probably a white person in the same capacity.

    I'm surprised you didn't post this web site as a source, ohh wait....

  9. i wonder that ALL the time.....its unfair

    BUT what i CAN say is that alot(NOT all) of black ppl r ghetto and act rele stupid and bad, so they prolly just think that if some r like taht all r......we lilve in a very stereotypical society

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