
Why are CIRCULAR pizzas served in SQUARE boxes??

by  |  earlier

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  1. Cheaper to manufacture a square box.

  2. square boxes are easy to mass produce.

  3. they are much easier to make and it gives you more room to cut the pizza in the box if it's not already cut

  4. production is easier and cheaper for the square box

  5. I would think a square box would be easier to make...way easier

  6. Maybe coz since the boxes are like made up of cardboard

    it will break easily if it was a circle. I think square boxes are better(=

  7. the same reason bricks of giza pyramids are rectangular.

    the thing that cuts things is always straight. it takes more work and different machines to make a circle.

  8. And folded down before assembling they can stack them in piles of 20-50 and store them in smaller places, plus the sides would be unstable to hold the weight of a cooked pizza, it is simple physics.

  9. square boxes are easier to assmeble

    although placelike dominos make boxes that are the shape of stop signs

  10. Square boxes: easier to make than circular boxes since forever.

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