
Why are Canada's Olympic athletes so fat and lazy?

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Why didn't they train more before the olympics and get in shape? Perhaps they would have won something if they had put more effort into it. Over 330 athletes and zero medals. That's pathetic. Go Zimbabwe!




  1. I have to agree with you.

  2. Way to promote the good ol' Olympic spirit there.  I really don't bother with questions like these, but I thought, 'why not?'

    Having 330 athletes in the Olympics also means that we had 330 people who actually qualified for the Olympics.  Sure, they're not making it in the top 3, but they're still good enough to even be there.  These people have worked long and hard to make it there.  Please feel free to take on their training schedule in your own _spare_ time.  

    I love Coventry - she's an amazing swimmer, you should definitely be proud of her...  but your attitude is absolutely terrible and totally shining Zimbabwe in a bad light.  Good for you, man.  I suppose, do whatever it takes to make you feel better about yourself..

  3. how many medals did you win? "none"  wow does that mean you are fat and lazy?

    dont be so nasty ,people like you are a disgrace to society

    shame shame shame on you

  4. All the money from canadian olympics is going into 2010 winter olympics in Vancouver,.   The summer ahtletes got squat this year

  5. Because it costs money to train and the government has finally just started putting money into training.  It takes about 8 years to reach international competition standards and many of the athletes have just over the past couple of years been able to train properly.

  6. Whya re immigrants in our section :)  

    And not one athlete is fat or lazy so get your facts striaght idiot.

    And even though we dont have any medals , we've came fourth and missed out on medals by one tenth of a second or 2 cm in various events so were doing better than Zimbabwe, i didnt veen know they were in the olympics. You're pathetic. And wait until the winter olympics where we dominate

  7. there's is no excuse.

    norway,sweden etc. (winter countries with small population) has medals.

    Canada simply pathetic.

    depressing, ain't it?

    What's your excuse?

    According to a Recent popular US article on the L.A. Times.

    A little question of history. Mordecai Richler (a Canadian satirical novelist and satirical children's novelist) once suggested that what defines Canadians is the fact that we're all, quite literally, losers--and we've never gotten over the fact. Nobody actually actively chose to live here because they really liked the idea. The natives, who were always here, didn't choose to have the European-dominated country of Canada imposed on top of them--but they lost battles, and so became Canadians. Losers. The French in Quebec are Canadians because the British defeated them back in the eighteenth century (and they sure don't like that fact these days). Losers, right? The British-based population of Canada consists of two major groups: United Empire Loyalists, the people in the American colonies who sided with Britain in the war of independence and lost, and so had to flee to Ontario and the Maritimes; and immigrants from England, most obviously people who were doing poorly there, losers at the game of life who decided to set out and try again somewhere else. Losers all again. Throughout this century, people who have immigrated to Canada have tended to be people who have lost elsewhere--lost wars, lost land, etc. Losers yet again. My own ancestors came here because of pogroms in Eastern Europe that destroyed their homes--and would have preferred to go to the US but they couldn't get in, so they settled for Canada, poor losers. We Canadians aren't patriotic because we really only settle for being here, all of us, rather than being delighted by it--and we love to whine about it. Losers for sure, eh?

    Summer games is the "real" Olympics.

    winter games is just a knock off.

    Greece did not start it on slush

  8. I believe that psychologists call what you are doing, Alicia aka A-Train, Transference. There is help for that. Call your local psychologist.

    I dare say that all those Athletes, no matter who or from where, are doing better than you are. Any athlete who made it to China's Olympics, whether they win or not, are among the top athletes in the world. They are all a pleasure to watch.

    Edit: Thanks for clarifying. I stand by my answer. Transference applies to your edit to me.

    Where is your public apology now that we do have medals? I suggest you look up the word 'sportsmanship' while you have the dictionary out looking up 'Transference'.

  9. A: They aren't not fat and lazy, they in more shape then you are I bet

    B: Unlike The United States and China we only have summer for about two months and we get lots of snow so we can't really practice for sports outside. Now if it were the Winter Olympics they would do better and kick butt. So get your facts straight before you start insulting Canadians.  

  10. Maybe because our country is not that highly dense in population?

  11. Canada is and always will be known as a "hanger on" of the USA.

    no offence but, it's true.

  12. Why would you post such a mean question?  When was the last time you qualified for the Olympics?  The point of the Olympics is to compete, not to win.  You've missed the whole point of the event.

    It's the Summer Games -- you won't be calling the Cdn athletes such names when it comes to the Winter Games.

  13. Well have you been watching the swimming?  Last night I was watching and there were top 8 finishes in several races for the Canadians.  And if you look at the times they were racing ~ you would see that they are so small between the Gold medal time and the 8th place time.

    I think they are doing awesome ~ I can honestly say I can't swim that fast and still stand at the end of the race.

    I am a very proud Canadian and proud of our Canadian Athletes for what they are doing.  As long as they are doing their best that is all that matters.  Maybe no medals this time, but they had the opportunity to compete and experience the Olympics.  Totally remarkable!

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