
Why are Canadians consuming more?

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What are some of the changes in Canadian households in the past 30 years????How many of you agree that we need to rethink progress?




  1. it's also because of the bacon. why do canadian's feel the need to call ham canadian bacon? i just don't get it. it's such a rip. maybe if canadians started eating regular bacon and calling it bacon they would use less energy. just a thought.

  2. They want to get Fat like us down here in the U.S.

  3. use more english. stop using french.

  4. i don't know about consume more...but we certainly waste a lot.

    ie. people who live within a five minute walk of a shop will take their car instead and only pick up one or two small items. then we wonder why we're in state and shapes we're in.

  5. Canadians are consuming more because there are more Canadians.  If we want to limit consumption we have to limit population; both through birth control and immigration control.

    Everyone in general is consuming more energy because of Windows. (And less because of thermal windows ;-).

    Yes Windows.  Before the advent of the Windows operating system computers were for geeks and banks ... not "personal computers".  The additional load on the grid due to PCs (and MACs) is immense ... not just the computers ... think of rooms full of computers having to be air conditioned.  

    Ironic isn't it ... the richest man in the world was made rich by a product that contributed greatly to the problem he is now trying to fix.

  6. 1) The population of Canada has grown.

    2) It's darn cold up there!

  7. Canada creates the most waste per capita in the world.  We need to change.

  8. Who is " we ". Progress gets rethought everyday. Usually it is on how to convince a consumer to buy their product. Canadians are least of the worlds problems.

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