
Why are Celt's in Ireland and wales darker than Celts in Scotland?

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Why are Celt's in Ireland and wales darker than Celts in Scotland?




  1. Possibly because more of them (94% of Welsh people, 96% of Irish) have DNA from an ancient pre-celtic people who came from the Basque area of Spain after the last Ice Age. This heritage is far more common that what we think of as 'celtic' (the celts were a mid_european people who spread across Europe from around Austria).

    The Scots have a lot more Viking dna on the islands like orkney and in the lowlands-dare I say it-Saxon genes which might make them somewhat fairer.

    In fact it was surprising that there were often more Saxon dna markers in lowlanders than in many of the English, who,to the surprise of many, also had a substantial amount of pre-Saxon heritage.

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