
Why are Chinese people constantly in a rush? This is not meant as a racist comment but a question?

by  |  earlier

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I have seen this through personal experience - serving the public.




  1. what? whoever said this? i thought it was city folk who rush around and country folk are more laid back (regardless of which country you are in)

  2. I'm not exactly sure what you mean as in a rush.  Do you mean that Asians seem to be always moving somewhere so quickly?  Well I don't know if that is true or not.  Here is what I think.  I believe that many races are viewed differently by others.  Many Americans make assumptions about different races that may or may not be true.  The fact is we are all different.  Also the fact is that we are humans which means we can not easily see someone different and not judge them.  Asians may think the same things about Americans as well.  They may wonder why we seem to not be respectful or we are judgmental of others cultures.  Sure we live in America where we have freedom, however when you look at it down to a T, we are all the same in one respect and that is we can not see someone for who they are because we are not looking through God's spiritual eyes.  In order for us to look past the physical or past what people may seem like, we need to first put ourselves in others shoes, and allow God to change our views.  So to answer your question, I don't really know why Asians or Chinese people seem like this to you.  But I will say that if you are thinking this, that means others may be thinking this to, but only from the other side.    Americans are also accused of other races as being a certain way, so it goes for both sides.

  3. Never noticed that.I wonder what makes you think this is it the movies or news or personal experience?I know that you must have heard it or observed it somewhere.

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