
Why are Chinese people so d**n cool??

by  |  earlier

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can anyone beat our karate?

I didn’t think so….

(please no religious people, only nice people)

if you are religious, pleas abstain from answering any of my questions




  1. bc we just duh!we chinese kick @$$!so betta watch out or your butt will be kicked and beaten

  2. Chinese people drive like c**p. stay off the road chin

  3. *chinese men have small p***s's

  4. Chinese people are cool, and Neon Genesis Evangelion is even cooler!!! WOOOHOOO

    I made a Rei wallpaper if you are interested.

  5. a gun can

  6. Oh yea?  Says who?

    I am an atheist!  ;-)  and a total skeptic about any unsubstantiated claims, by anyone, on any subject.

  7. its probably because they like to dine out

  8. I like the fact that you don't want answers from religious people!!

  9. Japanese rules! anime, samurai, mosaic p**n, karate, aikido, pearl harbor, the list is endless!

  10. Coz they've got awesome calendars.

  11. i dont know

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